
We are aware of the diversity of family life. Therefore, when talking about family, we do not only refer to the nuclear family, but also to single mothers and fathers, cohabitations, same-sex cohabitations, patchwork families, and foster families. You can arrange a personal consultation with us to find individual solutions for better reconciling family and career.

In addition, we offer many services to support you in reconciling your career/studies and your family life.

Child Care

Learn more about our reliable child care services on campus for children from 0 to 6 years.

Parent and Child Room

If your regular caregiver cancels at short notice, just take your child with you to university. In the Parent and Child Room, you can work or study while your child can play.

Organization of Working Time

Reconciling family and career requires you to remain flexible. Organize your working time and choose your place of work in a flexible way with flexitime, part time, and telework options.

Dual-Career Assistance

Did you receive an attractive job offer from the University of Mannheim? We have a large network and advise your partner on their job opportunities in Mannheim and the Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region.


Sabine Kußmaul

Sabine Kußmaul (she/her)

Head of the Department of Equal Opportunity and Diversity
University of Mannheim
Department of Equal Opportunity and Diversity
B 6, 30–32 – Room 020
68159 Mannheim
Andrea Horn

Andrea Horn

Equal Opportunity Commissioner for non-academic staff members (administration, library, and University IT)
University of Mannheim
B 6, 30–32 – Room 011
68159 Mannheim