Awards and Distinctions

Awards for final theses and papers on gender issues

Gender and diversity issues play a major role in research. Did you write a successful final thesis or paper on these topics? 

  • WOVEN Honors: Award for outstanding final theses on gender- or diversity-related topics

    Submit your outstanding thesis in the field of gender studies. The Elisabeth Altmann-Gottheiner Prize is endowed with a prize money of EUR 500. 

    Applicants who have already been awarded the prize are unfortunately no longer eligible to apply. The tender is currently closed. 

  • WOVEN Publish: Awards for publications on gender and diversity issues

    Are your research activities concerned with the topic of gender and diversity? We want to make gender and diversity issues accessible to a broad public in academia and society.

    The WOVEN Publish prize for outstanding publications is awarded to doctoral and post-doctoral students. The award is endowed with a prize money of EUR 500.

    The publication is considered published if it has either undergone the peer review process or been printed. In the case of publications written in a language other than German or English, please submit a summary of approximately two pages in German or English.

    Applicants who have already been awarded the prize are unfortunately no longer eligible to apply. The tender is currently closed. 

  • Winners of the WOVEN Publish award


    Name of the award winner


    Spring semester 2013

    Tobias Roth and Manuel Siegert, Social Sciences

    Söhne bevorzugt? Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede beim Gymnasialbesuch türkischstämmiger Schülerinnen und Schüler (Favoring sons? Gender-related differences in secondary school attendance by pupils of Turkish origin)

    Fall semester 2013

    Michael Kühhirt, Social Sciences

    Childbirth and the Long-Term Division of Labour within Couples: How do Substitution, Bargaining Power, and Norms affect Parents’ Time Allocation in West Germany?

    Spring semester 2014

    Sebastian Adrian Popa, Social Sciences

    Theorizing Sex Differences in Political Knowledge: Insights from a Twin Study

    Fall semester 2014

    Zerrin Salikutluk, Social Sciences

    Wer ist tatsächlich benachteiligt? Die Wirkung traditioneller Geschlechterrollen auf schulische Leistungen und elterliche Aspirationen in deutschen und türkischen Familien (Who is actually at a disadvantage? The effect of traditional gender stereotypes on academic performance at school and parental aspirations in German and Turkish families)

    Spring semester 2015

    Dr. Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Business Administration, and Dr. Andreas Landmann, Economics


    Gender Preferences in CEO Successions in Family Firms: Family Characteristics and Human Capital of the Successor


    Sara Köser, Psychology

    The Gender Typicality of Faces and Its Impact on Visual Processing and on Hiring Decisions

    Fall semester 2015

    Stefanie König, Mannheim Centre for European Social Research

    Gendered Work-Family Conflict in Germany: Do Self-Employment and Flexibility Matter?

    Spring semester 2016

    Dr. Sandra Beck, Chair of Modern German Studies I

    Zwei Welten, im Verbrechen überbrückt? (Two worlds connected by crime?)

    Fall semester 2016

    Sebastian Zilles, Chair of Modern German Literature and Qualitative Media Analysis

    Harte Väter, aufbegehrende Söhne (Rough fathers, rebellious sons)

    Spring semester 2017

    Dr. Jörg Dollmann, Mannheim Centre for European Social Research

    Positive Choices for All? SES- and Gender-Specific Premia of Immigrants at Educational Transitions

    Fall semester 2017

    Meike Bonefeld,Chair of Educational Psychology

    Migrationsbedingte Disparitäten in der Notenvergabe nach dem Übergang auf das Gymnasium (Migration-related disparities in grading after the transition to secondary school (Gymnasium))

  • Winners of the WOVEN Honors award


    Name of the award winner



    Isabel Thielmann, Psychology

    Zur Rolle von Geschlechtsstereotypen bei der Wahrnehmung neugeborener Kinder (The role of gender stereotypes in the perception of newborn children) (bachelor’s thesis)


    Sophie-Marie Mathes, Economics

    Determinants of Female Migration (bachelor's thesis)


    Julia Schmieder, Economics

    Gender Differences in the Effect of Potential Unemployment Benefit Duration on Job Search Behavior – Evidence from the Austrian Labor Market (bachelor's thesis)


    Isabell Haas, English and American Studies

    Gender Politics in the Globalized U.S.-Mexico Borderlands: Chicana Investigation of Femicide at the El Paso-Juárez Border (master's thesis)


    Isabel Stockton, Economics

    There And Back Again: Women’s Marginal Commuting Costs (master's thesis)


    Regina Keller, Social Sciences

    Informelle Partner-Pflege: Eine Panelanalyse zur Lebenszufriedenheit der Pflegenden (Informal care for partners: A panel analysis on the life satisfaction of informal caregivers) (master’s thesis)


    Cornelia Tocha, German Studies

    Migrationsliteratur / Literatur von AutorInnen mit Migrationshintergrund (migrant literature / literature by immigrant wrters) (master’s thesis)


Corinna Kröger

Corinna Kröger (she/her)

Executive Assistant to the Central Equal Opportunities Commissioner; Project for evidence-based equal opportunities work
University of Mannheim
Department of Equal Opportunity and Social Diversity
B 6, 30–32 – Room 013
68159 Mannheim
Sabine Kußmaul

Sabine Kußmaul (she/her)

Head of the Department of Equal Opportunity and Social Diversity
University of Mannheim
Stabsstelle Gleichstellung und soziale Vielfalt
B 6, 30–32 – Room 020
68159 Mannheim