Advice for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Illnesses
The commissioners and counselors for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses advise students with disabilities or chronic illnesses on questions regarding compensation for disadvantages in examination performance and support you in the application process.
Disadvantage compensation during your studies
Students with disabilities or chronic illnesses who are unable to complete examinations in the required form may submit a request for disadvantage compensation. Generally, the request for disadvantage compensation must be submitted by the end of the exam registration phase, at the latest. Please contact the commissioner and counselor for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses for more information.
The examination committee for your degree program will decide on the request.
Disadvantage compensation for exchange students
Exchange students with disabilities or chronic illnesses who receive a disadvantage compensation for examinations at their home university can also request a disadvantage compensation at the University of Mannheim.
Please ask the coordinator from your home university to submit a signed and stamped confirmation of the disadvantage compensation at your home university by the beginning of the lecture period. The document should be sent to the commissioner and counselor for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses.
Please notify the commissioner and counselor for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses of any exams you registered for. The commissioner must be notified by the end of the exam registration phase, at the latest. If you notify the commissioner and counselor for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses at a later point in time, your notification cannot be considered. Please submit a notification for all examinations, also for examinations that you may take on the resit examination date.
Please note: We try to offer you the same disadvantage compensation as granted by your home institutions. However, in individual cases this is not possible or only to a certain extent.
Good to know
There is no information in the dregree certificate that someone got exam accomodations.
Please contact us if you are interested in individual office hours at the Teaching and Learning Center to discuss your learning strategies.