Family-Friendly Campus

The campus of the University of Mannheim is perfectly equipped for your child: The children’s corner in the Mensa never gets boring. In addition, there are various areas for nursing and changing your baby on the university campus.

In the Mensa, children of students up to the age of ten receive a free lunch. In order to get a free meal, children just have to show up with their student parent. For our smallest guests, we offer highchairs and bottle warmers.

All areas for nursing and changing your baby on the university’s premises are marked in red on the map below:

  • Mensa am Schloss, basement
  • A5, building B, ground floor
  • Restroom facilities close to the Parent and Child Room  in B 6, 30–32
  • Schloss Ostflügel, in the ladies’ room opposite the Campus Shop


Sabine Kußmaul

Sabine Kußmaul (she/her)

Head of the Department of Equal Opportunity and Diversity
University of Mannheim
Department of Equal Opportunity and Diversity
B 6, 30–32 – Room 020
68159 Mannheim