Central Equal Opportunity Commissioner
Prof. Dr. Astrid Lembke is the central equal opportunity commissioner of the University of Mannheim. She supports the university’s objective of achieving gender equality and equal opportunity at all career stages in academia. This includes, among other things, strengthening the role of women in research, supporting female early-stage researchers as well as ensuring the reconciliation of work and family life.
Empirical evidence
Which measures in the area of equal opportunity have positive effects that have been proven by empirical studies?
Fact sheets summarizing the state of research on individual issues provide the equal opportunity commissioner with a more reliable basis for future decisions. There are five fact sheets containing recommendations on the following topics (only in german available):
Guidelines for appointment
The appointment as a professor is the final step in a researcher’s academic career. At the same time, it is the level of qualification at which female researchers still are most obviously underrepresented. With an update of the current guidelines for appointment (Intranet, only available in German) that is based on empirical data and includes equality-related topics, the University of Mannheim wants to increase the number of female professors at the university. For further information on the summaries of the state of research as well as the recommendations (fact sheets) derived from them, please see Empirical Evidence.
Gender-related research
You would like to write your thesis or dissertation on gender- and diversity-related issues or are conducting research in these areas? Feel free to contact us! We are happy to help you with any questions you might have. Every year, the Senate Committee on Equal Opportunity awards two prizes for final theses and publications on gender- and diversity-related issues.
Section 4 of the act on higher education institutions in the Land of Baden-Württemberg (LHG) stipulates the tasks of the central equal opportunity commissioner. The central equal opportunity commissioner contributes to ensuring equal opportunities for women and men and helps eliminate any disadvantages female researchers and students might face. According to the Constitution of the University of Mannheim, the central equal opportunity commissioner is the chair of the Senate Committee on Equal Opportunity.
If you have any questions regarding sexual harassment and discrimination, please visit the section Counseling.
The office of the central equal opportunity commissioner also implies a number of rights which are also defined by section 4 of the act on higher education institutions in the Land of Baden-Württemberg (LHG). These rights include the right to receive early and detailed information, the right to report directly to the President's Office and the fact that the central equal opportunity commissioner is not bound by instructions. The central equal opportunity commissioner is a member of the Senate and other bodies and assumes an advisory function on the University Supervisory Board. In order for the central equal opportunity commissioner to perform her duties, the university provides the required personnel and material resources and allows for an adequate release from the professional duties arising from her main employment.
Rules and regulations