
Having to care for a relative often comes unexpected. It turns your everyday life upside down and is a challenge both for you and your relatives. Because caregiving is often associated with great psychological and physical strain. Nevertheless, you can manage the situation – with professional advice and support.

Finding your way through the flood of information in such a situation represents an additional burden. The following tips and basic information will help you to become familiar with the topic.


You can either get advice from the university’s Equal Opportunity Commissioner Andrea Horn (trained care guide) or from the Psychological Counseling Services.

Organization of Working Time

We support you in reconciling work and family life. If you are caring for a relative, you can apply for telework and make use of flexible work schedules.


Andrea Horn

Andrea Horn

Equal Opportunity Commissioner for non-academic staff members (administration, library, and University IT)
University of Mannheim
B 6, 30–32 – Room 011
68159 Mannheim
Sabine Kußmaul

Sabine Kußmaul (she/her)

Head of the Department of Equal Opportunity and Diversity
University of Mannheim
Department of Equal Opportunity and Diversity
B 6, 30–32 – Room 020
68159 Mannheim