Emotional Resilience in Everyday University Life
Overflowing schedules? Too many impending deadlines? Exam anxiety or fear of failure? Competitive pressure?
Stress ist, wenn man nicht nur der Arbeit nachgeht, sondern die Arbeit einem selbst nachgeht. (Stress means it’s not you who finishes the work done but the work that finishes you.)
(Professor Gerhard Uhlenbruck)
Who does not know the feeling of being stressed and the negative attending ills that come with it? When you are torn between teaching and research duties on the one hand and financial and/
The stresses and strains on students and doctoral students in everyday university life are real and tangible. We take them seriously and offer you advice and support! If you experience various symptoms, it may be reasonable to take preventative measures and to inform yourself about potential strategies and services before they worsen. In an emergency situation, do not hesitate to seek advice from internal and/
How can being overworked manifest itself?
What can I do when I experience permanent overload in my job and everyday life and am no longer able to recharge my batteries in my free time?
Burnout is the reaction of our body and our emotional life to chronic stress. According to the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) , symptoms include
- emotional exhaustion: e.g., lack of drive, lack of energy, weariness, ready irritability
- depersonalization: increasing distance between affected people and their environment (clients, colleagues, etc.), which results in increasing apathy.
- failures: especially in view of continuously increasing demands your own achievements seem small. Mental overload can also lead to more mistakes.
Burnout can cause different kinds of symptoms: psychological or physical symptoms, changes in behavior or in the social field.
Get informed!
... is a feeling that stays with us throughout our lives – and it has its raison d’etre! But if anxiety takes control over our everyday life or lasts for a very long time, if activities in our free time, our social life and relaxation only happen once in a while and we cannot really enjoy it, if we maybe even suffer from physical symptoms, talking to a trusted person (family, friends), psychological counseling, therapy or help for self-help might be helpful.
If you suffer from psychosomatic symptoms due to constant (mental) overload, such as issues of digestion, headaches/
migraine, breathing problems or even panic attacks, do not hesitate to seek help! Depression
It is sad but true: depression is one of the most common illnesses of our time. According to the depression guideline of the German Medical Association and other studies, one in five adults will suffer one form of depression in their lifetime. But: feeling sad, gloomy or pessimistic or having lost hope does not automatically mean you are depressed!
Depression is clinically diagnosed by assessing the presence of certain major and minor symptoms. The number and severity of the existing symptoms determine whether a mild, moderate, or severe depression exists. Next to common symptoms such as “feelings of sadness, loss of pleasure and interest in activities, feelings of excessive guilt and low self-esteem, disrupted sleep, lack of appetite, fatigue, and poor concentration”, as listed by
the WHO, there can also be other symptoms linked to depression.
Women are more often affected by depression than men and depression often starts at a young age.
Whatever your specific case is, the most important thing is: the earlier you get help and support, the better! But for those affected by symptoms of depression, it is often especially hard to bring themselves to take the first step of seeking help.
Impostor phenomenon
They are caught up in a complex psychological system of self-doubt that diminishes their successes and achievements. They do not believe that it was their own potential that let them accomplish it. Often, they attribute their accomplishments externally, i.e., to luck or coincidence, rather than internally, i.e., to ability.
This perception may also be influenced by the so-called “Matthew effect”: in line with the proverb “to him who has will more be given”, past successes may have a stronger bearing on current success than the actual current achievements. This may be due to the associated resources and preferential attachment.
Just knowing about these attributions and thought patterns can be the first step towards change! Additionally, writing therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and other strategies for changing thought patterns have proven useful.
How likely are students and doctoral candidates to be affected by mental health issues?
The group of doctoral students is predisposed. Evans et al. (2018) evidence a worrying prevalence of factors associated with depression in doctoral students. According to their study, doctoral students are six times more likely to experience depressive symptoms and anxiety. Their prevalence for moderate to severe depression is 39%, compared to 6% in the rest of the population. In addition, transgender people and women are even more likely to be affected than men.
Studies by various health insurance providers show that pressures on students are also increasing and mental illness is particularly widespread among students: Up to 20% of students are affected by increased stress levels due to growing time and performance pressures or anxiety, expectations, and mental overload. Self-presentation in social media also influences how students deal with the challenges of studying.
In addition, since 2020, the changes and uncertainties caused by COVID-19 have even had a reinforcing impact, especially for student parents, disabled students or students with a chronic illness, and students belonging to the COVID-19 risk group. This was shown, for example, by the online survey Studying in Times of the Coronavirus Pandemic //The Impact of the Coronavirus on Global Higher Education conducted by the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung, DZHW) in the summer semester of 2020.
Podcasts, blogs, MOOCs etc. ... which services and programs might help me to stay mentally healthy?
... worth knowing
- The Student Services can provide students with tips on learning methods, self- and time-management strategies, or the safe use of databases.
- In May 2021, the AStA offered a program on the topic of mental health with a corresponding lecture on mental well-being organized by the Psychological Counseling Services (PBS) of the Studierendenwerk Mannheim.
... podcasts
- The podcast “Papa PhD” informs about mental health topics during the doctorate.
- The podcast for women who enjoy their doctoral studies: Glücklich promovieren – für Frauen mit Freude am Promovieren from Promotionsheldin.de
- Kein Stress mit dem Stress (No stress with stress): the podcast for mental health in competitive sports, an initiative of the PsyGA project.
... blogs
- “voices of academia” – Improving mental health and wellness in academia by giving you a voice.
- Post by Rachel Strohm “Here’s what academic departments, faculty, and graduate students can do to support mental health”
- The Blogcast Coachingzonen Wissenschaft offers features and resources from and with Dr. Jutta Wergen (in German).
... videos and MOOCS
- TED-Ed video “What is imposter syndrome and how can you combat it? – Elizabeth Cox”
- MOOC on “The Science of Well-Being” by Yale University (takes about 19 hours)
- MOOC on “Positive Psychiatry and Mental Health” by University of Sydney (takes about 21 hours)
- … and more online courses on mental health topics
... initiatives
- MentalHealthFirstAid First-aid courses for mental health at the Central Institute of Mental Health (ZI) Mannheim
- Aktionsbündnis seelische Gesundheit (coalition for mental health) sponsored by the German Society for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Neurology e. V. (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde e. V., DGPPN). On a regular basis, the coalition provides information and organizes nationwide events.
... a selection of articles from the world of science and the press
- Collection of articles from Nature Magazine
“Science, career, and mental health” - eLife Sciences Publications
Mental Health in Academia: Get online to support wellbeing of graduate students - Deutschlandfunk
Studierende über Stress – Gehetzt in die Zukunft (Students on stress – rushing into the future) (in German) - Spektrum der Wissenschaft Verlagsgesellschaft mbH publishing company
Psychische Erkrankungen: Burnout und was dahintersteckt (Mental illness: Burnout and the causes that lie behind it) (in German)https://www.spektrum.de/wissen/burnout-und-was-dahintersteckt/1646926 - Süddeutsche Zeitung GmbH
Hochstapler-Syndrom: “Das habe ich nicht verdient” (Impostor syndrome: “I don't deserve this”) (in German)https://www.sueddeutsche.de/karriere/hochstapler-syndrom-das-hab-ich-nicht-verdient-1.442247 - TIME USA
Yes, Impostor Syndrome Is Real. Here's How to Deal With It - Spektrum der Wissenschaft Verlagsgesellschaft mbH publishing company
Impostor-Phänomen: Die eingebildeten Schwindler (Impostor syndrome: The fear of being exposed as a fraud) (in German)https://www.spektrum.de/magazin/die-eingebildeten-schwindler/1019537
- Collection of articles from Nature Magazine
What can I do myself to maintain good mental health?
In addition to institutionalized programs that provide advice and support, personal room for maneuver or general tips for a healthy lifestyle – whether it be during the pandemic or not – are viable means of staying mentally strong during the time of your doctoral studies.
Your personal impact during your doctorate
The doctorate is a qualification phase in which no one needs to be perfect! You may and even should ask for support – in this way, some problems that may arise can perhaps be solved at an early stage. The following steps may be helpful:
- Contact your superiors. Superiors are often heavily involved in research and teaching themselves. Therefore, stand up for yourself and, if possible, insist on regular agreements in a self-confident manner.
- Short-, medium- and long-term schedules can be subjected to a reality test in these meetings and you can monitor whether certain milestones have been achieved.
- A plan B is always useful in case an interim goal cannot be achieved. In this way, you may be able to use the time constructively, for example, to evaluate data that has already been collected.
- Open communication with the peer group can make things easier as those affected feel less judged or alone and accordingly are more likely to seek help. After all, all doctoral students face similar challenges. More advanced students may provide support and networking among students may also generate positive synergy effects.
- Courses on self-management organized by the Studierendenwerk can provide tips on how to structure your studies. International doctoral students may seek individual support at the Welcome Center of the International Office and look for suitable courses on various cultural or linguistic topics. The online coworking space “The Writing Academic” deals with the importance of structure in writing.
- In structured doctoral programs such as GESS with tight time constraints, the program coordinators who are familiar with the internal infrastructure are happy to share their experience in dealing with similar problems and, if necessary, to act as mediators. Doctoral students at GESS can turn to the members of the GDC, their mentors, supervisors, program directors, academic directors, and center managers for help with any problems or conflicts.
- Incorporating relaxation and mindfulness techniques into everyday life – even by simply using the appropriate apps – can help to alleviate stress reactions, anxiety, and other symptoms. One option is the 7mind app, which is available to all students at the University of Mannheim, in cooperation with the Barmer Campus Coach program, free of charge for one year and without a subscription trap. No cancellation is necessary.
- Various strategies for activating helpful resources, such as thought-stopping or the zoom technique, can also help reduce negative thoughts and mental blocks and possibly even transform them into positive energy.
General tips on healthy living
The Psychological Counseling Services (PBS) of the Studierendenwerk Mannheim and the PhDNet of the Max Planck society provide recommendations for studying and researching during the coronavirus pandemic. They also address topics regarding a balanced lifestyle that are relevant for everyday life once the pandemic is over. A balanced diet, sufficient sleep, exercise, and relaxation (techniques) can also have a positive influence during difficult phases of life.
Advice and support inside and outside of the University of Mannheim
Where can I turn to for advice and support at the University of Mannheim?
- Team of the Psychological Counseling Services (PBS) of the Studierendenwerk Mannheim
- Advisory and counseling services of the Department of Equal Opportunity and Diversity (initial point of contact and counseling service, also for other concerns such as conflicts, issues related to the reconciliation of work, studies, and family, discrimination, and sexual harassment).
Various contact persons are available to doctoral students to answer personal questions related to their doctorate, for advice in cases of conflict, and for support for individuals pursuing a doctorate while facing special life situations. The same applies to the equal opportunity commissioners of the schools and the central equal opportunity commissioner of the university.
In case of problems or conflicts, doctoral students of the GESS can turn to the members of the GDC, their mentors, supervisors, program directors, and academic directors as well as center managers.
Please also take advantage of the Advice Services Directory to find the appropriate contact person for your individual concerns.
Where can I find the kind of assistance that is right for me – whether I need help in a medical emergency, therapy, advisory care or help for self-help?
Help in case of emergency:
if you need help with a medical emergency, please dial 112 or call the medical emergency services (on-call medical service 116117, emergency and on-call medical services of the City of Mannheim, emergency services of the City of Heidelberg, …).
- Mannheim: residents of Mannheim can reach the emergency service of the Central Institute for Mental Health (ZI) in J5, 1 via 0621 1703-7777.
- Heidelberg: psychiatric and psychosomatic emergency services of the Heidelberg University Hospital. The psychiatric urgent care services of the Department of General Psychiatry and the Center for Psychosocial Medicine at Voßstraße 2 (06221 56-4466) are available 24/
7 for immediate medical assistance for people experiencing a severe mental health crisis. - Wiesloch: the PZN Wiesloch (Psychiatrisches Zentrum Nordbaden) located at Heidelberger Straße 1a is a psychiatric center offering psychiatric, psychosomatic, and psychotherapeutic care in the form of various inpatient, day-patient, and outpatient treatments. It can can be reached via 06222 55-0. The PZN also has locations in Weinheim, Schwetzingen, Bruchsal, and Mosbach.
Your general practitioner can also refer you to the competent psychiatric hospital.
Please note! The above-named institutions provide care for medical emergencies only. They are not responsible for regular counseling (including consultations for family members) or issuing medical certificates.
- Nightline Heidelberg e.V.: the listening and information telephone offers information about studies from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m., and a sympathetic ear for all kinds of concerns via telephone (06221 18 47 08) or email.
- Telephone counseling service: The crisis line offers 24/
7 free support and advice via telephone (0800 111 0 111 oder 0800 111 0 222), e-mail, or chat.
Advice and support in non-emergency situations – therapy
- The outpatient mental health clinic at the Otto Selz Institute (OSI) of the University of Mannheim in L 13, 17 offers therapeutic help in the direct vicinity of the university. Therapy inquiries for adults can be addressed to the team around Prof. Alpers via 0621 181-3480 during the current office hours indicated on the homepage.
- At the Department of General Psychiatry of the Heidelberg University Hospital at Voßstraße 9, psychologists and physicians completing advanced continuing education in psychotherapy offer quick, supervised help at the outpatient clinic via 06221 56-6676 (psychodynamic/depth psychotherapy).
- The ZPP Heidelberg (Center for Psychological Psychotherapy) at Bergheimer Str. 58A, telephone: 06221 54-7291, that belongs to the Institute of Psychology at Heidelberg University offers treatments for adults, teenagers, and children. As the ZPP is an institute for training and continuing education in psychotherapy, psychotherapists in training work here under supervision (the focus is on cognitive behavioral therapy).
- Medical or psychotherapeutic assistance can be also be obtained via the Associations of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians of the Lands of Baden-Württemberg, Hesse, and Rhineland-Palatinate or the appointment services of Baden-Württemberg or Hesse.
Counseling and self-help
- The information on regional advice and support (provided by the Bündnis gegen Depression Rhein-Neckar Süd (Alliance Against Depression) offers an overview of contact points and counseling services in the region including contact details and important information.
- Advice on psychological self-help is available for various problem situations via the guidebooks of the PAL publishing house.
- If you are suffering from, for example, anxiety or eating disorders, depression or a chronic illness, visiting a self-help group can be a good source of support. The Federal Centre for Health Education (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung, BZgA) also provides information on eating disorders online or via 0221 892031.