Information for Students

Reconciling your studies and family life can be challenging. The University of Mannheim offers various services to support you in this situation: child care services on campus, special examination regulations for student parents, and a Parent and Child Room. If you need advice, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Do you have a sick child or have to care for a relative? For these cases, we offer various regulations such as the extension of a deadline.

Individual Counseling

Are there any conflicts you cannot solve on your own? The counseling service of the Department of Equal Opportunity and Social Diversity will be happy to offer you advice and support on different topics.

Child Care

Good childcare is the basic requirement for succeeding in your studies: Find reliable child care services on campus at the Kinderhaus of the Studierendenwerk Mannheim.


Having to care for a relative often comes unexpected. Nevertheless, you can manage the situation also during your studies – thanks to professional advice and support.

Parent and Child Room

If your regular caregiver cancels at short notice, just take your child with you to university. In the Parent and Child Room, you can work or study while your child can play.

WOVEN Honors

Your final thesis deals with gender and diversity issues? The Senate Committee on Equal Opportunity awards the Elisabeth Altmann-Gottheiner Prize worth 500 euros.