Lea Cohausz receives Best Paper Award at EDM 2022
Lea Cohausz has received an award for the best student shart paper at the 15th International ...
Anna Primpeli has successfully defended her PhD Thesis
Anna Primpeli has successfully defended her PhD thesis titled “Reducing the Labeling Effort for ...
Paper accepted in ECML-PKDD 2022: Start Small, Think Big: On Hyperparameter Optimization for Large-Scale Knowledge Graph Embeddings
The paper “Start Small, Think Big: On Hyperparameter Optimization for Large-Scale Knowledge Graph ...
Best Poster Award at ESWC 2022
The paper “Walk this Way! Entity Walks and Property Walks for RDF2vec” by Jan Portisch and Heiko ...
Paper accepted for BPM 2022
We are happy to have a paper accepted for the Engineering Track of the International Conference on ...
Team WBSG wins ACM SIGMOD Programming Contest 2022
We are happy to announce that team WBSG consisting of the PhD students Alexander Brinkmann and Ralph ...
Two Papers accepted for IJCAI 2022
We are happy that the following papers have been accepted for the 31st International Joint ...
Paper Accepted for the “Information Systems” Journal
We are happy to announce that the paper “Exploiting Label Semantics for Rule-based Activity ...
Two Papers accepted at ESWC 2022
We are happy to announce that the papers “Impact of the Characteristics of Multi-Source Entity ...
Two Posters about Product Matching using Deep Learning accepted at WWW2022 Conference
We are happy to announce that two posters about product matching using deep learning have been ...