Paper accepted in SIGMOD 2022: NuPS: A Parameter Server for Machine Learning with Non-Uniform Parameter Access
The paper “NuPS: A Parameter Server for Machine Learning with Non-Uniform Parameter Access” by ...
Mathias Niepert Professor for Machine Learning at Stuttgart University
As from January 2022 Mathias Niepert, former Post-Doc in the AI group has accepted a Professorship ...
WebDataCommons releases 82.1 billion quads Microdata, Embedded JSON-LD, RDFa, and Microformat data originating from 14.6 million websites
The DWS group is happy to announce the new release of the WebDataCommons Microdata, JSON-LD, RDFa ...
InnoMA Grant Accepted
The lecture Data Science Lab by Tobias Weller has been selected for funding by the InnoMA grant fund ...
Paper accepted in PVLDB 2022: Parallel Training of Knowledge Graph Embedding Models: A Comparison of Techniques
The paper “Parallel Training of Knowledge Graph Embedding Models: A Comparison of Techniques” by ...
Paper accepted for IEEE ICDE
The paper “GECCO: Constraint-driven Abstraction of Low-level Event Logs” by Adrian Rebmann and Han ...
Paper accepted for NeurIPS 2021
The paper “Efficient Learning of Discrete-Continuous Computation Graphs” by David Friede and Mathias ...
3.5 Papers Accepted for ACL!
Four papers by DWS authors have been accepted for ACL, the #1 publication venue for the research ...
Fulbright Scholarship for Michael Pernpeintner
Michael Pernpeinter, PhD Student in the AI Group successfully applied for a Fulbrigth Scholarship to ...
Paper accepted at ISWC 2021
Our paper “Background Knowledge in Schema Matching: Strategy vs. Data” has been accepted at the 20th ...