Best Demo Award at ESWC 2021
Earlier this year, we introduced kgextension, the Python extension for processing knowledge graphs. With this extension, data analysts can easily link their data at hand to both public and private knowledge graphs, and add the wealth of public knowledge graphs such as Wikidata to their data ...
Paper accepted for PVLDB 2021
The paper “Dual-Objective Fine-Tuning of BERT for Entity Matching” by Ralph Peeters and Christian Bizer has been accepted for publication by the Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB) 2021. The paper will be presented at the VLDB 2021 conference in Copenhagen, Denmark in August.
Paper on Large-Scale Dataset Collection from Twitter accepted
Our paper “Collecting a Large Scale Dataset for Classifying Fake News Tweets Using Weak Supervision” has been accepted for publication in Future Internet.
Best (long) paper award at EACL 2021!
Goran Glavaš has received the best (long) paper award at one of the most renowned conferences in NLP, the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL).
WDC Table Corpus released
We are happy to announce the release of the WDC Table Corpus.
Another AI Group Member accepts Professorship at Utrecht University
After Melisachew Wudage Chekol who became Assistant Professor at Utrecht University in 2019, Ioana Karnstedt-Hulpus recently also accepted an assistant professorship at the very same university. We are happy that another member of the AI group sucessfully pursues her academic career and that we ...
WInte.r Web Data Integration Framework Version 1.4 released
We are happy to announce the release of Version 1.4 of the Web Data Integration Framework (WInte.r).
Three Papers accepted for CAiSE 2021
Three DWS papers have been accepted to the International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'21): “A Rule-based Recommendation Approach for Business Process Modeling” by Diana Sola, Christian Meilicke, Han van der Aa and Heiner Stuckenschmidt “Sketch2BPMN: Automatic ...
CaLiGraph version 2.0 released
CaLiGraph is an open knowledge graph extracted from categories, tables, and listings in Wikipedia.
Paper on Web Table Classification accepted at ICWE 2021
Our paper “Web Table Classification based on Visual Features” has been accepted at the International Conference on Web Engineering.