Paper on Web Table Classification accepted at ICWE 2021
Our paper “Web Table Classification based on Visual Features” has been accepted at the International Conference on Web Engineering.
Knowledge Graph Extension for Python
A team of DWS students has developed a Knowledge Graph extension for Python.
Paper accepted at The Web Conference 2021
Our paper “Information Extraction From Co-Occurring Similar Entities” has been accepted at The Web Conference 2021.
3 Projects funded in AI Programm
Three projects involving the DWS Group have been selected for funding in the AI Innovation Challenge programme of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg: Sally 2.0: a socially intelligent Chat-Bot (AI Group/InES in cooperation with ALIRU GmbH and 100 Worte Sprachanalyse GmbH) Multilingual ...
1.5 Mio Funding from VW Foundation for work on social impact of AI
The VW Foundation is funding a joint project “CAIUS: Consequences of AI for Urban Societies” of the Chair of Artificial Intelligence (Prof. Stuckenschmidt) and the Chair for Statistics and Methodology (Prof. Kreuter) in cooperation with Prof. Eckert from HdM Stuttgart with 1.5 Mio Euro over the next ...
Four DWS papers accepted for EMNLP 2020!
Four papers by DWS members have been accepted for EMNLP 2020, a top-tier conference in natural language processing (NLP)!
Papers of the Chair of Process Analytics at the BPM Conference
Members of the Chair of Process Analytics, the newest addition to the DWS Group, will have several presentations coming up at the International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM), one of the main conferences in the field, taking place from September 13 to 18. 
Paper accepted in PVLDB 2020: Dynamic Parameter Allocation in Parameter Servers
The paper “Dynamic Parameter Allocation in Parameter Servers” by Alexander Renz-Wieland, Rainer Gemulla, Steffen Zeuch and Volker Markl has been accepted at the 2020 Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB). Abstract: To keep up with increasing dataset sizes and model complexity, distributed ...
Paper accepted for DI2KG
The paper “Intermediate Training of BERT for Product Matching” by Ralph Peeters, Christian Bizer and Goran Glavaš has been accepted for the 2nd International Workshop on Challenges and Experiences from Data Integration to Knowledge Graphs (DI2KG) held in conjunction with VLDB 2020.
Paper accepted for CIKM
The paper “Profiling Entity Matching Benchmark Tasks” by Anna Primpeli and Christian Bizer has been accepted for the 29th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) which will be held online this year.