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Lecture from Dr. Lale Khorramdel from the Educational Testing Service Princeton
Dr. Lale Khorramdel,  from the Educational Testing Service Princeton, will give a lecture at the research colloquium at the Chair for Research Methods and Psychological Assessment (Prof. Dr. Thorsten Meiser) on September 21, 2018 at 1.45 – 3.15 pm in Schloss EO 242, University of Mannheim. The ...
Sabine Sonnentag recieves DGP prize
Sabine Sonnentag recieves DGP prize as a tribute to her lifetime archievement. The German Society for Psychology (DGPs) honors Professor Sabine Sonnentag from the University of Mannheim for her diverse accomplishments in work and organizational psychology research. “With Sabine Sonnentag, we are ...
Daniel Heck recieves Heinz-Heckhausen-Preis
Daniel Heck recieves Heinz-Heckhausen-Preis of the DGP. The German Society for Psychology (DGPs) honored Daniel Heck from the University of Mannheim with the Heinz Heckhausen Prize for young scientists for his accompishments to the application and further development of multinomial processing tree ...
Benjamin Hilbig recieves Charlotte- und Karl-Bühler-Preis
Benjamin Hilbig recieves Charlotte- und Karl-Bühler-Preis of the DGP. Für sein international hoch beachtetes, integratives Forschungsprogramm wird der Landauer Psychologieprofessor Benjamin E. Hilbig von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie mit dem Charlotte- und Karl-Bühler Preis gewürdigt. ...
Summer Retreat 2018
The Summer Retreat 2018 took place on September 7th / 8th. Nearly all members of the Research Training Group SMiP attended the meeting. As external guest we welcomed our Mercator Fellow Jeffrey Rouder (University of California, Irvine)
Cooperation with IOPS
We are excited to cooperate with the Interuniversity Graduate School of Psychometrics and Sociometrics (IOPS). IOPS is an institute for the advanced dissertation training in psychometrics and sociometrics; it also coordinates the high-quality research in this area. Participating universities are:  ...
New cohort of PhD Candidates complete
The new cohort of PhD Candidate is complete now. We will welcome the 12 new PhD Candidates in October 2018 in our Research Training Group and even sooner at our Summer Retreat. Congratulations to all successful applicants! You can find more information on the new cohort 2018 here.
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Welcome to our Mercator Jeffrey Rouder
The qualification program for the fall winter semester is online! We will finally welcome our Mercator Fellow Jeffrey Rouder and have invited excellent external instructors: Trisha van Zandt (Ohio State University) and Henrik Singmann (University of Zurich), who will give workshops at our Research ...
European Basic Data Protection Regulation entered into force
The new European Basic Data Protection Regulation entered into force on May 25, 2018. For more information concerning data protection at the University of Mannheim please click here:
Application closed and second semester started
The second semester at the Research Training Group SMiP just started. During this semester, the principal researchers teach advanced core courses concerning different model families, different skill trainings are offered, and Daniel Heck as well as external guests offer interesting workshops. The ...