IJCAI Best Demo Award
We are happy to anounce that the paper “PyClause – Simple and Efficient Rule Handling for Knowledge Graphs” by Patrick Betz, Luis Galarraga, Simon Ott, Christian Meilicke, Fabian Suchanek and Heiner Stuckenschmidt was awarded with the IJCAI 2024 Best Demo Award!  The Code is available here: ...
Paper Accepted for ICPM 2024
We are happy to announce that the paper “AgentSimulator: An Agent-based Approach for Data-driven Business Process Simulation” by Lukas Kirchdorfer, Robert Blümel, Timotheus Kampik, Han van der Aa and Heiner Stuckenschmidt has been accepted for the 6th Intenational Conference on Process Mining in ...
Rita Sousa Receives Open Science Grant
Dr. Rita Sousa has achieved an Open Science Grant for providing up-to-date Knowledge Graph Embeddings
Paper Accepted for ECAI 2024
We are happy to announce that the Paper “Fact Probability Vector Based Goal Recognition” by : Nils Wilken, Lea Cohausz, Christian Bartelt and Heiner Stuckenschmidt has been accepted for the 50th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CORE A, 23% Acceptance rate).
Sven Hertling Defended his PhD Thesis
Sven Hertling has defended his PhD thesis on “Knowledge Graph Generation and Integration at Scale”
New Transfer Project on Trustworthy AI
How can Artificial Intelligence (AI) be used to make comprehensible decisions? This is the subject of a new project at the DWS group, which has received funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Knowledge graphs influence our lives on a daily basis and yet they are little ...
Paper accepted for SIGIR 2024
The paper “MIND Your Language: A Multilingual Dataset for Cross-lingual News Recommendation” by Andreea Iana, Goran Glavaš,  and Heiko Paulheim has been accepted at the 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Resource and Reproducibility Track.  ...
Three DWS Papers accepted at ICLR 2024
We are happy to announce that papers by DWS members based on the work referenced belwo have been accpepted for ICLR 2024 in Vienna: Jonas Belouadi, Anne Lauscher, Steffen Eger: AutomaTikZ: Text-Guided Synthesis of Scientific Vector Graphics with TikZ (https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.00367). Sascha ...
Paper Accepted for AAMAS 2024
We are happy to announce, that the paper “RAISE the Bar: Restriction of Action Spaces for Improved Social Welfare and Equity in Traffic Management” by Michael Oesterle, Tim Grams, Christian Bartelt und Heiner Stuckenschmidt has been accepted as a full paper at the research Track of the International ...
Jan Portisch Receives SWSA Distinguished Dissertation Award
Jan Portisch, a former PhD student at the Data and Web Science Group and now a Lead Software Architect at SAP Signavio, has received the SWSA Distinguished Dissertation Award.