Two Papers accepted at ESWC 2022
We are happy to announce that the papers “Impact of the Characteristics of Multi-Source Entity Matching Tasks on the Performance of Active Learning Methods” by Anna Primpeli and Christian Bizer and the paper “Supervised Knowledge Aggregation for Knowledge Graph Completion” by Patrick Betz, Christian ...
Paper accepted in SIGMOD 2022: NuPS: A Parameter Server for Machine Learning with Non-Uniform Parameter Access
The paper “NuPS: A Parameter Server for Machine Learning with Non-Uniform Parameter Access” by Alexander Renz-Wieland, Rainer Gemulla, Zoi Kaoudi, and Volker Markl  has been accepted at the 2022 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data. Abstract: Parameter servers (PSs) ...
Paper accepted in PVLDB 2022: Parallel Training of Knowledge Graph Embedding Models: A Comparison of Techniques
The paper “Parallel Training of Knowledge Graph Embedding Models: A Comparison of Techniques” by Adrian Kochsiek and Rainer Gemulla has been accepted at the 2022 Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB). Abstract: Knowledge graph embedding (KGE) models represent the entities and relations of a ...
Paper accepted for NeurIPS 2021
The paper “Efficient Learning of Discrete-Continuous Computation Graphs” by David Friede and Mathias Niepert (NEC Research Labs) has been accepted for the 35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021).
3.5 Papers Accepted for ACL!
Four papers by DWS authors have been accepted for ACL, the #1 publication venue for the research area of Natural Language Processing (NLP).
Fulbright Scholarship for Michael Pernpeintner
Michael Pernpeinter, PhD Student in the AI Group successfully applied for a Fulbrigth Scholarship to visit Texas A&M University and work with Prof. Guni Sharon on Governance of Autonomous Multi-Agent Systems.
Paper accepted at PAAMS
The paper “Winning at Any Cost – Infringing the Cartel Prohibition With Reinforcement Learning” was accepted at the 19th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems.
Paper accepted for PVLDB 2021
The paper “Dual-Objective Fine-Tuning of BERT for Entity Matching” by Ralph Peeters and Christian Bizer has been accepted for publication by the Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB) 2021. The paper will be presented at the VLDB 2021 conference in Copenhagen, Denmark in August.
Best (long) paper award at EACL 2021!
Goran Glavaš has received the best (long) paper award at one of the most renowned conferences in NLP, the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL).
WDC Table Corpus released
We are happy to announce the release of the WDC Table Corpus.