First PhD Student Poster Session of DWS Colloquium FSS2020
The first DWS PhD Student Poster Session of the FSS2019 DWS Colloquium took place today.
Juniorprofessor on Process Analytics starting in April
We are very happy to announce that Dr. Han van der Aa will be assigned as Juniorprofessor at the School of Business Informatics and Mathematics in April. Dr. van der Aa reseach focus is data-driven process analytics and he will join the DWS group as 8th professor. Welcome!
44.2 billion quads Microdata, Embedded JSON-LD, RDFa, and Microformat data originating from 11.9 million websites published
The DWS group is happy to announce the new release of the WebDataCommons Microdata, JSON-LD, RDFa and Microformat data corpus. The data has been extracted from the November 2019 version of the Common Crawl covering 2.4 billion HTML pages which originate from 32 million websites (pay-level domains).
Christian Bizer gives keynote at JIST 2019
Professor Bizer was invited to give the keynote speech at the 9th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST2019) in Hangzhou, China.
Christian Bizer wins SWSA Ten-Year Award
We are happy to announce that Professor Christian Bizer has received the SWSA Ten-Year Award at the 18th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2019) in Aukland, New Zealand.
WDC Product Data Corpus and Gold Standard for Large-Scale Product Matching Version 2.0 released
We are happy to announce the release of Version 2.0 of the Web Data Commons Product Data Corpus and Gold Standard for Large-Scale Product Matching. The product data corpus consits of 26 million product offers (16 million English language offers) originating from 79 thousand different e-shops. The ...
PhD Student Poster Session
The first DWS PhD Student Poster Session took place this Tuesday. At the poster session, half of the PhD students of the DWS group presented the current status of their research and got feedback and inspiration for next steps from the DWS professors and the other PhD students. The poster session was ...
Paper accepted for TKDE Journal
The Paper “POLARIS: Probabilistic and Ontological Activity Recognition in Smart-homes” by Claudio Bettini, Gabriele Civitarese, Daniele Riboni, Heiner Stuckenschmidt and Timo Sztyler has been accepted for IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (Impact Factor 3.857)
Best Paper Award at WIMS 2019
The paper “Robust Active Learning of Expressive Linkage Rules” by Anna Primpeli and Christian Bizer has won the best paper award at the 9th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS) in South Korea.
Best Student Paper Award at LDK 2019
Joint work with our colleagues from the University of Heidelberg in the contex of the Explain Project entitled “Exploiting Background Knowledge for Argumentative Relation Classification” by Jonathan Kobbe, Juri Opitz, Maria Becker, Ioana Hulpus, Anette Frank and Heiner Stuckenschmidt has won the ...