WInte.r Web Data Integration Framework Version 1.3 released
We are happy to announce the release of Version 1.3 of the Web Data Integration Framework (WInte.r). WInte.r is a Java framework for end-to-end data integration. The framework implements a wide variety of different methods for data pre-processing, schema matching, identity resolution, data fusion, ...
André Melo has defended his PhD thesis
André Melo has defended his PhD thesis on “Automatic Refinement of Large-Scale Cross-Domain Knowledge Graphs”, supervised by Prof. Heiko Paulheim. In his thesis, André has developed different methods to improve large-scale, cross-domain knowledge graphs along various dimensions. His contributions ...
Mannheim Students Score Second Place at Data Mining Cup
The Data Mining Cup is an annual data mining competition for students from all over the world. Since 2014, students from Mannheim take part in the competition as an integral part of the Data Mining 2 lecture, held by Prof. Paulheim. In the course of the competition, the students have to solve a data ...
JCDL 2018 – Vannevar Bush Best Paper Award
Our paper “Entity-Aspect Linking: Providing Fine-Grained Semantics of Entities in Context” has recently won the Vannevar Bush best paper award at the 2018 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), the top conference in the field of digital libraries! The work, coauthored by Federico Nanni, ...
Roche Hypo University Challenge won by DWS-AI
We are happy to announce that Jakob Huber and Timo Sztyler reached the 1st place in the Hypo University Challenge that was hosted by Roche Diabetes Care GmbH and powered by IBM.