Information for the Equal Opportunity Commissioners of the Schools

You are an equal opportunity commissioner at your school or institution? Learn more about important principles regarding your position and responsibilities, your colleagues, and options for reducing working hours.

Facts and Figures

What is the percentage of female researchers at the individual schools of the University of Mannheim? Who is conducting research on gender and diversity issues?

Senate Committee on Equal Opportunity

As an equal opportunity commissioner, you assume an advisory function on the Senate Committee on Equal Opportunity.

Current Equal Opportunity Commissioners of the Schools

Who are the equal opportunity commissioners of the individual schools and institutions? Find out here.

Options to reduce working hours

As of the second appointment procedure that they are involved in, the equal opportunity commissioners of the schools can apply to the Department of Equal Opportunity and Social Diversity  for up to 50 student assistant hours from the budget for the reduction of working hours of equal opportunity commissioners in search committees (EGB Budget). In addition, each school has its individual regulations regarding the reduction of working hours of their equal opportunity commissioners.

Information, exchange, and guidance

You will find more information on your position and responsibilities as equal opportunity commissioner of a school in the information booklet. Apart from the meetings of the Senate Committee on Equal Opportunity, the equal opportunity commissioners of the schools meet on a regular basis to exchange their ideas. If you have any advice or questions, please contact the executive assistant to the central equal opportunity commissioner.


Corinna Kröger

Corinna Kröger (she/her)

Executive Assistant to the Central Equal Opportunities Commissioner; Project for evidence-based equal opportunities work
University of Mannheim
Department of Equal Opportunity and Social Diversity
B 6, 30–32 – Room 013
68159 Mannheim