A man and a woman are sitting in the courtyard of the B6, 30-32 building and reading the news on a tablet.


CDSB Alumna Dr. Patricia Breuer receives Karin-Islinger-Award
Dr. Patricia Breuer, a CDSB alumna, has been awarded the Karin-Islinger-Award for her exceptional dissertation on financial and non-financial transparency regulation. This award is presented by the Karin-Islinger-Foundation to recognize outstanding scientific research in economics and related fields ...
Twice is nice – CDSS doctoral students awarded 2024 J. Frank Yates Student Travel Award
The Psychonomic Society presents the J. Frank Yates Student Travel Award to graduate students who are members of the society coming from underrepresented populations. Recipients must be the first author and presenter of a poster submitted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic ...
Noam Himmelrath. Er trägt ein schwarzes T-Shirt und steht vor einer dunkelbraunen Holztür.
Hot of the press – Location matters! Geospatial dynamics of MP responses to Covid-19 protests in multilevel systems
Members of Parliament (MPs) in multi-level systems respond stronger to protests in their own state than to protests in other states – and state-level MPs are more responsive than federal-level MPs. This is the result of a recent study by Noam Himmelrath, CDSS doctoral student at the Department of ...
CDSB Alumnus Maximilian Beichert appointed as Assistant Professor at Bocconi University
From Paris to Milan – Dr. Maximilian Beichert, who is currently a postdoctoral Research Fellow at HEC Paris, will be joining Bocconi University as Assistant Professor of Marketing this coming September. In his multi-method research projects, Maximilian focuses on social influence in user-generated ...
European elections: Digital decision aid for undecided voters
The EU parliamentary elections will take place from 6 to 9 June. The EU&I app is designed to help people compare their own positions with the parties running in the European elections. Two doctoral students from the University of Mannheim were involved in the development of the EU-wide app.
Sabine Stillger. Sie trägt ein graues Jackett über einem weißen Oberteil und steht vor einer Holztür.
Best Paper Prize awarded to Sabine Stillger
CDSE doctoral candidate Sabine Stillger received the Best Paper Prize by the 22nd Annual GEP/CEPR Postgraduate Conference for her paper “Firm Heterogeneity, International Trade and Emissions: Evidence from German Manufacturing Firms”. The paper studies the role of firm heterogeneity in sourcing ...
CDSB Alumnus Dr. Frederic Schlackl joined HEC Montréal as Assistant Professor
Our heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Frederic Schlackl on successfully passing the viva and on his appointment as Assistant Professor at the Department of Information Technologies at HEC Montréal. At HEC, Frederic is also affiliated with the Multidisciplinary Institute for Cybersecurity and Cyber ...
Universität Mannheim: Für Demokratie und Rechtsstaat
Statement vom 25. Januar 2024
CDSB Alumna Dr. Behnaz Gholami was hired as an Assistant Professor at the University Canada West
CDSB Alumna Dr. Behnaz Gholami joins the University Canada West faculty as an Assistant Professor of Design, Strategy, and Innovation. Dr. Gholami specializes in change management and business transformation, offering innovative solutions for organizational challenges. Eager to mentor students in ...
CDSS Alumnus Benjamin Engst appointed Associate Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Exciting times ahead for political scientist Benjamin Engst who is looking forward to starting his new position as Associate Professor of Political Science within Public Policy & Administration at NTNU in Trondheim this August.  His research interests include Comparative Politics and Public Policy ...