Celebrating Excellence – Announcing the GESS 2024 Award Winners

We are proud to present this year’s recipients of the GESS Awards! The awards were presented during the annual GESS Welcome Reception for the new cohort of doctoral students and recognize outstanding achievements in both teaching and research by GESS doctoral candidates. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to ABSOLVENTUM for sponsoring this event.
The graduate school’s Teaching Awards celebrate the essential role its doctoral students play in enhancing education across the Business School, the Department of Economics, and the School of Social Sciences. This year’s awardees include:
- CDSB: Finance doctoral candidate Sven Vahlpahlfor his course 'Python in Finance' in the academic year 2023/
2024. - CDSE: Pablo Zarate Cisternas for his teachings of 'Microeconomics A' held in the spring semester 2024.
- CDSS:Political Science doctoral candidate Klara Müller for her course 'Replication, replication: Quantitative Analyses with R' held at the University of Mannheim during the 2023/
2024 academic year.
In addition to acknowledging excellence in teaching, the GESS community celebrates research publications that have significantly contributed to the academic discourse. The Publication Awards were presented to the following doctoral students:
CDSB Accounting doctoral candidates Vincent Giese and Clemens Lauer received the Best Paper Award for their paper “Former Executives as Supervisors: Conflicts of Interest and Accounting Discretion”.
CDSB doctoral candidates Johannes Gaul and Thomas Simon, were honored with the Best Interdisciplinary Paper Award for their work “Invitation Messages for Business Surveys. A Multi-Armed Bandit Experiment“.
Nina Osenbrügge and Frieder Rodewald, both doctoral candidates in the CDSS sociology track, earned the Young Scholar Award for their project “Studying Radicalized Individuals and Their Passive Social Media Use: A Person-Centered and Privacy-Sensitive Approach“.
Political Science doctoral candidate João Areal (CDSS) was awarded the Publication of the Year Award for his work “Beyond disdain: Measurement and consequences of negative partisanship as a social identity.”
Bravo to our award winners! Your hard work and talent have not gone unnoticed!