CDSE Alumnus Lukas Hack awarded with Reinhard Selten Prize

For his outstanding paper “Progressive Income Taxation and Inflation: The Macroeconomic Effects of Bracket Creep” Lukas Hack, CDSE Alumnus and now Post-Doctoral Researcher at ETH Zurich, was awarded the Reinhard Selten Prize. In his paper he explores how progressive income taxation and inflation interact and how this impacts the economy. The study empirically quantifies how inflation-induced bracket creep causes taxpayers to move into higher tax brackets, increasing their tax burden despite unchanged real income. Hack further investigates how bracket creep shapes the responses of economic activity and prices to changes in the macroeconomic environment.
With this prestigious award the German Economic Association (Verein für Socialpolitik) annually honors early-career researchers who have made significant contributions to the field of economics. The prize specifically recognizes outstanding work from doctoral candidates and post-doctoral scholars, with a focus on innovative research that advances economic theory or practice.
Many congratulations to Lukas Hack on this remarkable achievement!