Mentoring and Training
Draw from the experience of successful female researchers and become a mentee in the Mentoring and Training program. Thanks to the cooperation with the Conference of Equal Opportunities Officers at universities and academic institutions in Baden-Württemberg (Landeskonferenz für Gleichstellungsbeauftragte an den Hochschulen Baden-Württembergs, LaKoG), female researchers of the University of Mannheim have the opportunity to participate in this program.
The long-term mentoring relationship is complemented by an annual program: Take a look into the black box of appointment procedures and enhance your performance in the scientific community.
Benefit from this support on your way to the top.
Target group
Orientation event
If you want to take part in the program as a mentee, you are required to attend an orientation event. Orientation events take place twice a year. You will find all dates in the annual overview.
You can also take part in trainings. To participate in these trainings, you are not required to have a mentor or to attend an orientation event.
Overview of the Workshops (program taught in German):
- Mein Weg – Profilbildung und Karriereplanung in der Wissenschaft + Erfolgreich führen und Verhandeln
When? 15.-16.4.2024
Trainer: Elke Susanne Sieber, M.A., sieber | wensauer-sieber | partner, Karlsruhe
Where: Studienhaus Wiesneck - Wissenschaft und Familie – So geht es zusammen!
When? 10.6.2024
Trainer: Tanja Edelhäußer, Gleichstellungsreferat University Konstanz
Where? University of Stuttgart, LaKoG-head of office, Kronenstraße 36, 2. OG, 70174 Stuttgart - Beruf, Berufung, Berufungsverfahren: Tipps & Tricks auf dem Weg zur Professorin
When? 21.6.2024
Trainer: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Cheauré, research focus Gender Studies, University Freiburg
Where? Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, KG 2, room 217, 2. OG Kunzenweg 21, 79117 Freiburg - Zeitmanagement und Selbstorganisation – Finden Sie Ihren Weg, Ihre Zeit wertvoll und effizient zu nutzen
When? 1.7.2024
Trainer: Elke Susanne Sieber, M.A., sieber | wensauer-sieber | partner, Karlsruhe
Where? tba - Mein Weg zur EU-Forschungsförderung
When? 19.7.2024
Trainer: Dr. Julia Kinzler, EU-Referentin, University Bamberg
Where? tba - Als Expertin sichtbar sein – Die eigene Website auf den Weg bringen
When? 18.11.2024
Trainer: Corinna Hardtke, freelance web designer
Where? University of Stuttgart
- Mein Weg – Profilbildung und Karriereplanung in der Wissenschaft + Erfolgreich führen und Verhandeln
Application and registration
Join us! You can register at any time.
If you want to take part in the annual Mentoring and Training program, you have to apply.
To take part in the trainings, you just have to register.
All applications and registrations are centrally coordinated by the Conference of Equal Opportunities Officers at universities and academic institutions in Baden-Württemberg (LaKoG). If you have any questions regarding the registration process or your application, please contact the LaKoG.
For interested parties: Read our regular newsletter to make sure you never miss an event.