Technical Equipment in Lecture Halls and Seminar Rooms
The lecture halls and seminar rooms at the University of Mannheim are equipped with a variety of media technology devices. Below you will find three overview lists with the various equipment features and subsequently, for all listed university buildings, a PDF with pictures and information on the technical equipment and with the associated instructions for each room.
Overview of the rooms
A 3, 8
A 5, 6
B 143 Seminarraum (seminar room)
B 316 Sitzungszimmer (meeting room)
B 317 Seminarraum (seminar room)
B 318 Seminarraum (seminar room)
C -107 Methodenlabor klein / Telefonlabor (small method lab / telephone lab)
C -108 Methodenlabor groß / Telefonlabor (large method lab / telephone lab)
C -109 PC-Pool (computing lab)
C 112 Seminarraum (seminar room)
C 116 Seminarraum (seminar room)
B 6, 23–29
A 001 Großer Hörsaal (large lecture hall)
A 101 Kleiner Hörsaal (small lecture hall)
A 102 Seminarraum (seminar room)
A 103 Seminarraum (seminar room)
A 104 Seminarraum (seminar room)
A 202 Experimentallabor (experimental lab)
A 203 Unterrichtsraum (classroom)
A 301 Seminarraum (seminar room)
A 302 Seminarraum (seminar room)
A 303 Seminarraum (seminar room)
A 304 Seminarraum (seminar room)
A 305 Seminarraum (seminar room)
C 301 Seminarraum (seminar room)
C 401 Seminarraum (seminar room)
B 6, 30–32
030 Besprechungsraum (meeting room)
109 Seminarraum (seminar room)
110 Seminarraum (seminar room)
111 Seminarraum (seminar room)
209 Seminarraum (seminar room)
210 Seminarraum (seminar room)
211 Seminarraum (seminar room)
212 Besprechungsraum (meeting room)
213 Besprechungsraum (meeting room)
230 Besprechungsraum (meeting room)
308 Seminarraum (seminar room)
309 Seminarraum (seminar room)
310 Seminarraum (seminar room)
311 Besprechungsraum (meeting room)
312 Besprechungsraum (meeting room)
330 Besprechungsraum (meeting room)
L 7, 3–5
L 9, 1–2
L 9, 5
L 9, 6
L 9, 7
L 15, 1–6
L 15, 14
EO 145 Hörsaal Bürgerhörsaal (Bürger lecture hall)
EO 150 AbsolventUM Hörsaal (AbsolventUM lecture hall)
EO154 Seminarraum (seminar room)
EO 157 Seminarraum (seminar room)
EO 159 Seminarraum (seminar room)
EO 162 Seminarraum (seminar room)
EO 169 Seminarraum (seminar room)
EO 184 Experimentalraum (experimental room)
EO 188 Seminar/
Garderobe (seminar / wardrobe) EO 242 Seminarraum (seminar room)
EO 256 Seminarraum (seminar room)
EO 382 Seminarraum (seminar room)
EW 045 ehemalige Lehrbuchsammlung (former textbook collection) – currently being renovated
EW 145 Hörsaal (lecture hall) – currently being renovated
EW 148 Hörsaal (lecture hall) – currently being renovated
EW 151 Elfriede Höhn Hörsaal (Elfriede Höhn lecture hall) – currently being renovated
EW 154 Hörsaal (lecture hall) – currently being renovated
EW 156 Hörsaal (lecture hall) – currently being renovated
EW 159 Seminarraum Landesbank (seminar room Landesbank) – currently being renovated
EW 161 Seminarraum (seminar room) – currently being renovated
EW 163 Seminarraum (seminar room) – currently being renovated
EW 165 FUM Seminarraum (FUM seminar room) – currently being renovated
EW 167 Dr. Hajo Treutler Seminarraum (Dr. Hajo Treutler seminar room) – currently being renovated
EW 169 C.A. Reichling Seminarraum (C.A.Reichling seminar room) – currently being renovated
EW 242 Otto Mann Hörsaal (Otto Mann lecture hall) – currently being renovated
EW 256 Seminarraum (seminar room) – currently being renovated
M 003 PWC Hörsaal (PWC lecture hall)
O 026–028 Senatssaal (senate hall)
O 048 Seminarraum (seminar room)
O 126 Dozentenzimmer / Besprechungsraum (lecturer room / conference room)
O 128 Besprechungsraum / Seminarraum (conference room / seminar room)
O 129 Göhringer Hörsaal (Göhringer lecture hall)
O 131 Wilhelm Müller Hörsaal (Wilhelm Müller lecture hall)
O 133 KPMG Hörsaal (KPMG lecture hall)
O 135 Saal der starken Marken Hörsaal (Hall of strong brands lecture hall)
O 138 FUCHS Festsaal (FUCHS ballroom)
O 142 Engelhorn Hörsaal (Engelhorn lecture hall)
O 145 Heinrich Vetter Hörsaal (Heinrich Vetter lecture hall)
O 148 MVV Hörsaal (MVV lecture hall)
O 151 Hans Luik Hörsaal (Hans Luik lecture hall)
O 226–28 Seminarraum (seminar room)
O 326–28 Seminarraum (seminar room)
SN 163 Manfred Lautenschläger Hörsaal (Manfred Lautenschläger lecture hall)
SN 169 Röchling Hörsaal (Röchling lecture hall)
SO 115 Seminarraum (seminar room)
SO 133 Seminarraum (seminar room)
SO 318 Seminarraum (seminar room)
SO 322 Seminarraum (seminar room)
SO 418 Seminarraum (seminar room)
SO 422 Seminarraum (seminar room)
W 017 Seminarraum (seminar room)
Live classroom support:
Do you have any problems with the equiment in the lecture hall? We are happy to help!
- Mon – Fri 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. (during the lecture period)
- by calling +49 621 181 -2001
- by sending an e-mail to mmproblem
Lecture hall computers
Some lecture halls on the campus of the University of Mannheim are equipped with a computer. For an overview of these lecture halls, please also refer to the table Multimedia equipment in lecture halls (PDF)
To make things easier for the users, the computers in the lecture halls have a standard equipment. The equipment is the same in each room.
Currently, all lecture hall computers have Microsoft Windows 10 LTSC as operating system. In addition, the following programs are installed: Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, ImageGlass, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Office Plus 2019, Microsoft Teams, Mozilla Firefox, VLC Media Player and Zoom.
After you have logged off, the desktop of the lecture hall computer will return to the standard setting. If you have stored data on the computer, you need to store these data beforehand on an external device (e.g. USB stick). After you have logged off or the computer is re-started, the profile is resetted and the stored data will be deleted.
USB port
Each desk has an external USB port. Please use the USB ports of the lecture hall computer, if your USB device is not recognized.
You want an on-site introduction?
Our media technology team is happy to help. Please send your request to mmproblem.
Tips for recordings in lecture halls:
We have several lecture halls with recording equipment so that you can record your class. For more information on how to use this equipment and what to keep in mind, please go to the ILIAS course “Digitalization in teaching”.