
Call for Proposals for the Maria Gräfin von Linden Award
For the eleventh time, the Association of Baden-Württembergischer Wissenschaftlerinnen will award the Maria Gräfin von Linden Prize in 2021. This year, applications can be submitted for the two scientific fields, humanities and cultural studies and also mathematics/science/technology.
Zwei Studentinnen unterhalten sich und laufen die Treppe im Gebäude L 1 runter.
Completion Funding and Bridge Funding for Female Researchers
You are about to complete your doctorate, financing, however, will expire earlier.
International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) on 17 May 2021 Together: Resistance, Support, Healing
Supporters and members of the LGBTQ* community use this day as an annual event to draw attention and raise awareness. 17 May became the designated day due to the 1990 World Health Organization’s (WHO) decision to declassify homosexuality as a mental disorder.
Your creativity is requested for the international day of families
Every family is unique, colorful and diverse. We want to use the International Day of Families, annualy held on 15. May, to invite all families of the University of Mannheim to share a creative family portrayal with us.
Representation Not Sufficient for Promoting Gender Diversity, Study Says
Representation of women and minorities in groups, which choose organisation’s leaders on its own is not sufficient to support gender diversity unless the organisational culture changes, a recently published study showed.
New on Wikipedia: Brilliant Women and Pioneers of Medical Studies
As part of a seminar in linguistics about the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, students at the University of Mannheim created a total of 24 Wikipedia articles about important women, many of whom came from Mannheim and the surrounding area.
Corona-entries for science and students: Federal government plans measures to mitigate
Federal Government approves changes to BAföG and the law on temporary scientific contracts
Family Assistance in Research Special Program
Funding for researchers to hire student and research assistants during periods of increased family responsibilities