
Information for researchers who are in danger or have fled Ukraine about Funding programmes and scholarships
Please find below a brief overview of current funding opportunities for doctoral students and researchers who are in danger or have fled Ukraine. If you are in contact with refugee researchers and are looking for support, please do not hesitate to contact Department I – Research Funding.
International Women’s Day
On 8 March 2022, the motto “Equality today for a sustainable future” will apply under the hashtag #breakthebias.
Eine erwachsene Person hockt vor dem Haupteingang zum Ostflügel der Universität Mannheim. Ein kleines Kind, das ihm gegenübersteht, schaut ihm direkt in die Augen und und hält dabei einen blauen Ballon. Beide scheinen in ein herzliches Gespräch vertieft zu sein.
Register now for summer holiday care!
Registration for the summer vacation care at the Delta Kids Sport Camp now open!
Professor Tertilt Among the 100 Most Influential Women in German Economy
The German “Manager Magazin” journal distinguishes the Mannheim economist in their “female pioneers” category.
Online-Conference: Student Summit by STICKS & STONES
STICKS & STONES is the largest LGBTIQ+ career fair in Europe and a project of UHLALA Group since 2009. The Student Summit is an online conference and focuses on university life and offers students, lecturers, university staff a platform for learning together, creating and sharing ideas, ...
Workshop „Female Talents in Science: Make Up Your Mind! #thepowerofconnection“
he workshop “Female Talents in Science: Make Up Your Mind! #thepowerofconnection” is part of the Female Science Talents program of the Falling Walls Foundation. It is aimed at young female scientists who are interested in clearly defining and learning about their professional goals and motivations.
WUMANetzwerk is in the selection for the Impact of Diversity Award
The award recognizes remarkable diversity concepts, initiatives and dedicated individuals in 14 categories. WUMAN stands up for its values and goals in the category Gender Inclusion and is happy to be among the selection with so many great initiatives and companies.
Action day “No to harassment”
In the coming days and weeks, the University of Mannheim will be setting signs against violence and attacks.
Strengthen diversity! “Trans*Aktionswochen Rhein-Neckar” on the occasion of the “Transgender Day of Remembrance”
In the Rhine-Neckar region, the “Trans*Aktionswochen Rhein-Neckar” are taking place in 2021 around the “International Transgender Day of Remembrance” on 20 November.
Ein Dozent steht vorne und hält einen Vortrag. Ein Beamer ist aufgebaut und man sieht Studierende von hinten.
Interactive presentation on discrimination-sensitive language
Online Brownbag Session on discrimination-sensitive Language on Tuesday, 26 October 2021, 12:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. via ZOOM.