
Die Progress-Flagge und die Flagge der Universität wehen vor dem Mannheimer Schloss.
Solidarity and Unity at the Monnem Pride 2024
Mannheim is celebrating Christopher Street Day once again this year. This Saturday, July 13th, queer residents of the region will demonstrate for their rights and against discrimination. Everyone interested is invited to participate, to promote visibility and acceptance for LGBTI+ individuals in ...
Junge Frau mit Tablet im Arm lächelt in die Kamera
University Commits to Appointing More Women
The University of Mannheim joins the voluntary commitment of the German Rectors’ Conference to achieve more gender equality in appointments
Six people are standing in a row. They have different genders and cultural backgrounds.
“Our Voice for Diversity – 365 Days a Year” – German Diversity Day 2024
The twelfth German Diversity Day will take place on 28 May 2024. Under the hashtag #DDT24, organizations are called upon to launch campaigns that promote diversity in the workplace. At the University of Mannheim, the Department of Equal Opportunity and Social Diversity constantly raises awareness of ...
Ein Plüschpanda sitzt in einem farbenfrohen Spielzelt auf bunten Schaumstoff-Puzzlematten. Vor ihm ist ein aufgeschlagenes, illustriertes Buch, in das er scheinbar vertieft liest.
Childcare for Saturday Exams
To make it easier for students and examination supervisors to take part in Saturday exams, the Department of Equal Opportunity and Social Diversity and kinderlandnet gGmbH have launched a new childcare service. On the four Saturdays, on which examinations will take place, (8 June, 15 June, 24 August ...
Vor dem Ostflügel des Mannheimer Schlosses wurde die Progress Pride Flag gehisst. Sie wird auch erweiterte Regenbogenflagge genannt. Daneben weht die dunkelblaue Fahne der Universität Mannheim.
IDAHOBITA* 2024 – Day of Action Against Queerphobia
On 17 May, the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia, Transphobia, and A-phobia (IDAHOBITA*) will take place. The aim of the day of action is to demand respect and acceptance for queer people while also highlighting the discrimination and persecution they face. At the ...
Abgebildet ist ein Vorlesungssaal mit Tischen und einer Tafel. Unten im Bild ist ein Rollstuhl abgebildet und davor ein Tisch mit einem Schild in blau-weiß auf dem ein Rollstuhl ist. Der Tisch ist hoch genug, dass ein Rollstuhl darunter fahren kann.
European Day of Protest for the Equality of People with Disabilities 2024
The motto of this year's European Protest Day for Equality for People with Disabilities is “Ahead for inclusion! Live self-determined – without barriers” (Viel vor für Inklusion! Selbstbestimmt leben – ohne Barrieren). The day of protest calls for the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with ...
Abgebildet ist eine Gruppe von Studierenden, die gemeinsam eine Weltkugel hochhalten.
Day against Racism on 21 March 2024
Today is the International Day against Racism with the motto “Misch dich ein” (Get involved).
Dorothee Dickenberger steht vor einer Wand und hält einen Strauß Blumen in der Hand.
Mourning the Loss of Dr. Dorothee Dickenberger
The University of Mannheim and the School of Social Sciences mourn the loss of Dr. Dorothee Dickenberger, a sociologist and equal opportunity expert. She died on 3 March 2024, a few weeks after her 78th birthday.
University of Mannheim Has Successfully Completed the Diversity Audit of the Stifterverband
The two-year audit was recently completed, and the university has received the Stifterverband certificate. The completion of the audit marks an important milestone in the university’s endeavors to promote diversity.
Zwei Studentinnen lehnen Rücken an Rücken draußen auf einer Bank. Sie haben beide eine Trinkflasche in der Hand.
International Women’s Day 2024
International Women's Day on 8 March draws attention worldwide to the concerns of women and girls in all their diversity. In Germany, like in many other countries, gender equality has still not been achieved. Among other things, this is illustrated by the gender pay gap which remained unchanged from ...