
Eine erwachsene Person hockt vor dem Haupteingang zum Ostflügel der Universität Mannheim. Ein kleines Kind, das ihm gegenübersteht, schaut ihm direkt in die Augen und und hält dabei einen blauen Ballon. Beide scheinen in ein herzliches Gespräch vertieft zu sein.
Register now for summer holiday care!
Registration for the summer vacation care at the Delta Kids Sport Camp now open!
Professor Dr. Astrid Lembke Elected as New Central Equal Opportunity Commissioner
Dr. Astrid Lembke, professor of German Studies, takes over from Dr. Jutta Mata, professor of Psychology
International Human Rights Day
Every day is a day to act for human rights!
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Availability during the holidays
The Parent and Child Room will not be staffed from 23.12.2022 – 8.1.2023
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International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Since 1993, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities has been observed every year on 3 December to raise awareness of their concerns. At the University of Mannheim, diversity is lived and the rights and concerns of people with disabilities are taken into account.
[Translate to Englisch:]
International Day against Violence towards Women* 2022
The University of Mannheim speaks out against any exercise of violence and refers to all people. Women*, LGBTTIQ*, children, people with disabilities or migration background – are particularly vulnerable groups and more often victims of various forms of violence.
Mentoring und Training-Program: Acquiring Third-Party Funding
Active acquisition of third-party funding is an important career building block for young female scientists. At this workshop on 14 November 2022 from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., you will be shown methods that lead to success in the application process.
Benjamin Schnepp (Fuchs & Otter), Stadt Heidelberg, Stadt Mannheim
Trans* Action Weeks Rhein-Neckar 2022
On the occassion of this year’s Trans*Action Weeks of the cities Mannheim and Heidelberg, a range of events is taking place from the 12.10. to the 27.11.22
Vocational training and cooperative study programs
Better study! Healthy and goal-oriented through studies in the HWS 2022
In HWS 2022, the University of Mannheim, in cooperation with long-standing trainers, offers workshops on various topics that can help you study in a healthy and goal-oriented manner.
WUMAN Semester Program HWS 22
After the inspiring WUMAN Kick-Off a few weeks ago, WUMAN has prepared a small but great semester program.