With the motto “together as one – intersectional. anti-fascist. queer” (zusammen eins – intersektional. antifaschistisch. queer), the CSD is taking place under new management this year. The Queer Center Mannheim has taken on this important task and pleads for a diverse and open Mannheim with a new name and a new concept.
The demonstration (link in German) starts at 3 p.m. in the Augustaanlage and ends at Alter Meßplatz. The Platzfest (link in German) will start there at 4:30 p.m. with a colorful program including performances, speeches and a drag show.
Within the University of Mannheim, queer employees will have the opportunity to exchange ideas at the Queer Coffee Break. For students on the LGBTI+ spectrum, the Queer im Schloss student initiative offers a safer space with various events. The initiative will also take part in Monnem Pride as a walking group and will meet the day before to make posters, to which interested parties are welcome to attend.
LGBTI+, cisgender, diverse… not everyone is familiar with these terms. However, education is the first step towards a respectful society. The following glossary explains the terms:
- Allies are individuals who use their own privileges to actively support marginalized groups and advocate for their rights and visibility. However, a person should not self-identify as an ally.
- Cis or cisgender is the opposite of trans and means that one's gender identity matches the sex assigned at birth.
- Diverse is a gender entry that, since 2018, has been legally recognized alongside female, male, and unspecified in Germany. Although initially only intersex individuals could use it, a 2020 Federal Court ruling allows nonbinary and trans individuals to use diverse as their gender entry.
- Diversity is an organizational and socio-political concept aimed at fostering respectful interactions within society. There are seven dimensions of diversity: age, gender & gender identity, physical & mental abilities, sexual orientation, social background, ethnic background & nationality, worldview & religion.
- LGBTI+ is an acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex individuals. The + symbolizes the many other existing sexual orientations and gender identities not included in the acronym. Sometimes an asterisk (*) is used instead.
- Queer is both an umbrella term for LGBTI+ and a self-identification for individuals who do not want to specifically label their sexual orientation or gender identity.