International Women's Day 2023

Every year, 8 March is International Women's Day. A good reason to stop and consider some questions.

This year, International Women's Day celebrates the day under the motto "#EmbraceEquity”. The initiators advocate a fairer distribution of resources and opportunities, so that every person from different starting points has a real prospect of a comparable outcome.

We are far from finished, there are still many areas in which inequality still prevails – and new ones are being added time and again.

Where are we today?
Our great-grandmothers fought for women's suffrage, bread and peace. Yesterday's equal pay day  showed that Germany is still a long way from equal pay this year: women earn on average 18 percent less and work 66 days a year (until 7 March) for free. A study by Aktion Mensch (2021) for women and FLINTA* with disabilities also shows a sad confirmation: in addition to often generally low occupational income, there are also clear differences in earnings between employees with disabilities of different gender identities.

What new fields of equal rights are important for everyone today?
Gender, empowerment, anti-feminism and sexism against women or FLINTA*, voluntary work, care activities, strengthening equality for all people on an economic, social or political level – which area affects you in particular and how could you become active?

How can study, teaching, research and gainful employment in the context of higher education be designed in such a way that responsibilities for family and housework can also be assumed at the same time?
Structural inequalities in the science system manifest themselves in phenomena such as the “leaky pipeline”: for example, the proportion of women and FLINTA* in higher qualification levels is falling steadily. The reasons for this phenomenon are as diverse as the group of persons concerned. The issue of reconciling family and work is often cited as one of the main reasons. What is needed here is not only new solutions and offers for women or FLINTA*, but also support in partnership to share family responsibilities fairly.

New: Information about events in the metropolitan region!

You are also welcome to visit the website of the Department of Equal Opportunities and Social Diversity for  information and help in case of violence and the service page of the Mannheim Equal Opportunities Commissioner

FLINTA* is a German acronym that stands for »Frauen, Lesben, intergeschlechtliche, nicht-binäre, trans und agende Personen« (women, lesbians, intersex, non-binary and trans and agender persons.)
