International Weeks against Racism from 20 March 2023 under the motto “Get involved”.

Everybody can make a personal contribution to a non-discriminatory coexistence on a daily basis.

From 20 March to 2 April 2023, this year's motto “Get involved” will also give committed and interested parties the opportunity to take part in various regional, national and global activities around the Day Against Racism on 21 March.

Want to get involved? Our selection of some interesting events offers inspiration:

Links to literature for those interested:

In order to provide strong support as an Ally, it helps to reflect on one's own position and to become (even) more aware of one's own privileges. The Awareness Toolbox of the der Vielfalt offers questions for reflection, perception and sensitization exercises. In addition, those interested can browse the Charter der Vielfalt's Antiracism Toolbox.

The University of Mannheim is committed to a discrimination-free space for all people in studying, teaching and working. In this context, the Code of Conduct of the University of Mannheim forms the basis for tolerant and respectful cooperation. If you have had different experiences, persons of trust are happy to provide advice and support.
