Teaching Abroad
The University of Mannheim wants to make teaching and research more international. By undertaking an ERASMUS+ teaching or training placement, researchers from the University of Mannheim can, for example, gain experience at a European partner university, share approaches and content with international colleagues, and take good ideas back home with them.
If you would like to teach and research abroad, you can apply for ERASMUS+ funding. You can spend time abroad at one of the University of Mannheim’s ERASMUS partner universities, or at another European higher education institution that participates in the ERASMUS+ program.
You can apply at any time. Please contact Ms. Bach for further information.
Training Abroad
ERASMUS+ enables researchers to visit another European higher education institution to gain teaching experience and develop skills in other areas. More information can be found here.
Further Information
More information on trip duration, funding, and application requirements
ERASMUS+ program (only available in German)