Strategy of the University of Mannheim

Our goals until 2028

Which direction does the university want to take in the next few years? We have set ourselves ambitious, yet realistic goals in various fields of action in order to ensure that the university will be able to assert its position in the international competition of top universities and improve even further.


Theory-based, empirical, quantitative research and the further development of empirical methods constitute a key focus area that we want to strengthen even further. We would also like to improve the framework conditions for collaborative research projects. A key instrument in doing so is to establish a Center for Advanced Studies. We consider the professional qualification and promotion of early-stage researchers to be an essential part of this.

Read more about Research


As a traditional brick and mortar university we provide an excellent learning environment, offering students the opportunity to interact directly with teaching staff, thus creating a place of exchange, discourse, and cooperation. At the same time, the digitalization of teaching is essential to create modern study conditions, develop and promote new forms of internationalization, and enable lifelong learning. Our students acquire in-depth knowledge and comprehensive skills in empirical methods.

Read more about Teaching


The international approach to research and teaching is a key feature of our university's profile. We work to ensure that all students are provided with the opportunity to gain intercultural and international learning experience. Our campus is a meeting place for students and researchers from all over the world. The European University Alliance ENGAGE.EU is driving forward the university’s internationalization even more.

Read more about Internationalization

Equal Opportunity and Social Diversity

We strive to significantly increase the appointment of women to permanent professorships and achieve a significant improvement on the way to gender equality also in the preceding career stages.
Multifaceted perspectives and ideas strengthen research and teaching. We are currently drawing up a diversity strategy to ensure that the university becomes and remains a place characterized by openness and tolerance.

Read more about Equal Opportunity and Social Diversity


The University of Mannheim feels a special social responsibility for promoting sustainable development. The understanding of sustainability encompasses the two pillars of environmental and social issues.
The university’s sustainability strategytakes into account both internal processes as well as the impact of research and teaching for society.

Read more about Sustainability


The university seeks to exert a strong impact on society, politics, and the economy and to draw inspiration from these sectors in turn. We are developing a transfer strategy outlining areas of transfer, target groups, and desired effects. The TransforMA project, which is funded by the federal government and the Land of Baden-Württemberg, is currently giving all our transfer activities a major boost.

Read more about Transfer


The administrative staff members provide the environment required for performing excellent research, studying, and teaching. In addition to this core task, shaping digital transformation is a current goal as we want to leverage the broad potential to facilitate and improve both individual work and collaboration. The WANDELdigital program is playing a leading role in the process (WANDELdigital on the Intranet).

Read more about Administration (in German)