Going Abroad

Make exciting experiences, learn to think outside the box and make international friends: Studying is the ideal time to plunge into the adventure of a “stay abroad”. The University of Mannheim therefore supports all students in integrating a stay abroad into their studies and gaining valuable international experience. Your options are:

The International Office will assist you with all questions. We offer special counselling for international students, students with children or students with disabilities.

Learn how to apply for an exchange semester at a partner university in less than 3 minutes.

Degree programs with integrated stay abroad

Business Administration Bachelor with integrated study abroad component

In the bachelor's program in business administration, studying abroad in the 5th semester is compulsory for all students. Free exchange places are available at over 200 partner universities worldwide.

IBEA study option in the Bachelor of Business Administration

USA, Singapore, Brazil and Germany: If the standard semester abroad in the business studies bachelor’s is not enough for you, the Mannheim IBEA study option allows you to study at three foreign partner universities in a total of eight semesters.

Double and Joint Degree Programs

With double or joint degrees, you spend half of your study time abroad and acquire a degree from a partner university in addition to the Mannheim degree.

Bachelor Romance Languages, Literatures and Media

The four-year bachelor's program enables students to study two Romance languages in greater depth and includes a compulsory year abroad in Spain, France, Italy, Latin America or Canada.

Other opportunities to go abroad

Going abroad as a free mover

Do you want to study at a foreign university not belonging to our network of partner universities? Or weren’t you admitted to the exchange program you applied for? Then read more about going abroad as a free mover.

Summer and Spring Schools

Many universities offer guest students the opportunity to participate in scientific or language courses. These courses last for some weeks and take place in summer, winter, or spring. They are usually topped off by a wide range of organized leisure time activities. Such short stays abroad are not only fun, they may also yield some ECTS credits.

Internships abroad

Completing an internship abroad is a great alternative to studying abroad: You will get to know the world of work of another country, work in teams formed by people from different cultures, and develop your subject knowledge. Prospective teachers may also do an internship at a school abroad in order to become acquainted with another education system.

Let us inspire you


The reports of former outgoing students of the University of Mannheim provide you with exciting insights and tips about studying at one of our many host universities. You can find them in our database of partner universities.

Ein junger Mann trägt ein blaues Jeanshemd und einen schwarzen Rucksack. Er steht auf einer Promenade aus grauen Pflastersteinen vor einem Hafen. Text: Studienort wechseln. Und die Perspektive.
“Studieren weltweit (studying around the world)”:

First ideas and exciting insights into their experiences abroad such as semesters abroad, internships, free mover stays or summer schools are provided by the correspondents of the DAAD campaign “Studying worldwide”.

We are happy to help you!