
The Senate decides on all academic affairs of fundamental significance for research, teaching, study and continuing education, unless another central body or the schools are responsible for these areas by law.


In particular, the Senate is responsible for the tasks specified in section 19 subsection 1 sentence 2 of the act on higher education of Baden-Württemberg (Landeshochschulgesetz, LHG), for example for:

  • electing the full-time members of the President’s office (President, Executive Vice President) together with the University Supervisory Board
  • electing the Vice Presidents
  • approving structural and development plans
  • providing a statement on the economic plan
  • making decisions on matters relating to the determination of admission quotas
  • making decisions on the constitution of the university and changes thereto
  • discussing the President’s annual report in a joint meeting with the University Supervisory Board
  • making decisions on matters relating to the establishment, modification and termination of degree programs, institutions of the university and joint committees
  • making decisions of fundamental significance in matters relating to research and the promotion of early-stage researchers as well as technology transfer
  • making decisions on the statutes concerning examinations based on proposals by the schools
  • making decisions on the proposals of the schools for the appointment or professors and junior professors

Further details are specified in the Constitution of the University of Mannheim.

Members of the Senate

In accordance with section 1 of the Constitution of the University of Mannheim, the President as the Senate’s chair, the Executive Vice President as well as the equal opportunity commissioner of the university are ex officio members of the Senate. The other 36 members with voting rights are elected representatives from the group of university teachers, the academic staff members, the students, the doctoral students as well as the group of other staff members. Three Vice Presidents as well as a maximum of five deans (if they are not already elected members of the Senate) and a representative of the constituted student body are advisory members of the Senate.

For more details on the Senate’s composition, please see section 1 of the Constitution of the University of Mannheim.

Here you will find an overview on the  current members of the Senate.

Schedule of Meetings

The Senate usually holds closed meetings. We will point out separately if some portions of a meeting are open to the public.

The schedule of meetings of the Senate in the upcoming semesters is available here.


Beate Probst

Beate Probst

Coordinator of Committees and Bodies
University of Mannheim
President's Office
Schloss Ostflügel
68161 Mannheim