Drei Studierende um eine Weltkugel. Eine Studentin zeigt auf einen Punkt der Weltkugel.

Important Dates for International Students

The first weeks in a foreign country are exciting and full of new experiences. We want you to feel at home in Mannheim and quickly get to know the university, the city, and the people. That’s why the International Office and the student organizations at the university arrange different events and days out.

For International Exchange Students

Starting a semester abroad is an exciting time, but there are also lots of new things to be aware of. Come to the orientation sessions hosted by the International Office to find out more and to meet your fellow exchange students.

For International Degree-Seeking Students

The first days at the University of Mannheim are full of new experiences for all of our first-year students. At its orientation sessions, the International Office provides guidance for new international students and introduces important contact persons.

Activities Organized by ESN VISUM

ESN VISUM is a student organization especially for international students at the University of Mannheim. Its goal is to foster and facilitate the partnership between Mannheim-based students and exchange students. To achieve this goal, ESN VISUM organizes events such a parties, cultural days out and city trips.

You can find the events program on the ESN VISUM website.