As soon as you disenroll from the university, you are no longer a student of the University of Mannheim. You may either be disenrolled upon request or by virtue of office.
Information on disenrollment
Effectiveness of disenrollment
As a rule, disenrollment becomes effective at the end of the semester in which it was requested. In case of special reasons, it may become effective immediately. This may be the case if you complete your studies, transfer to another university during the semester, or lose your eligibility to take exams.
Please note: Bear in mind that it might be favorable for you to remain enrolled until the semester ends since this entitles you to a low-priced student health insurance plan and your parents may continue to receive child benefit.
Disenrollment and examination processes
Any ongoing examination processes will remain unaffected by disenrollment, meaning that once a student has registered for an exam, the registration will not be revoked by their disenrollment. Students must also take resit examinations if stipulated by the examination regulations.
In case you do not wish to complete an ongoing examination process after your disenrollment, you need to formally request dismissal from the exams. Please indicate the relevant examinations and the dates of examination in the comments field when submitting your disenrollment request online.
Disenrollment upon request
Request a confirmation of disenrollment following disenrollment by virtue of office
If you have been disenrolled by virtue of office, we advise you to replace the disenrollment by virtue of office by regular disenrollment so that we can issue a confirmation of disenrollment. You may need to present this confirmation, for example, to the statutory pension insurance provider or to enroll at another higher education institution. If you want to request a confirmation of disenrollment, please write an e-mail with the subject line confirmation of disenrollment and your student ID number to the Express Service. Please note that you can only disenroll from the university once you have returned all library items and do not owe the library any fees.
Please specify the reasons for your disenrollment in your e-mail:
- You have passed your final examination and completed your program
- You are about to finish your program
- You terminated your studies
- You will transfer to another higher education institution
- You are no longer eligible to take examinations
- You interrupted your studies
- Other reasons
If you have been disenrolled by virtue of office and are still registered for exams that you do not want to take any longer, you need to formally request dismissal from the exams. Please name the relevant exams and the exam date and state that you request dismissal from these exams.