
The University of Mannheim is one of the leading higher education institutions in Germany. This is illustrated by the top positions it achieves in national and international rankings. You can find a small selection below.

QS World University Rankings by Subject

The University of Mannheim has been ranked number 136 worldwide in the Social Sciences and Management category. In the business and economics field, Mannheim ranks #1 in Germany in 2024.

Wirtschaftswoche Absolventenranking

Graduates from the fields of Business Administration, Economics, Law, and Informatics at the University of Mannheim are very sought after on the labor market.

CHE University Ranking

The CHE University Ranking assesses subjects every three years. The whole range of subjects available at the University of Mannheim regularly do well.

Times Higher Education World University Rankings

In the THE World University Ranking 2025, the University of Mannheim is among the top 10 percent of all universities (rank no. 199). In the global subject rankings 2025, the university is number 3 in Germany for Economics and Business Administration as well as for the Social Sciences (number 43 and number 57 worldwide respectively).

Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (Shanghai Ranking)

The University of Mannheim has been ranked number 2 nationwide in Political Science. In Finance it has been ranked number 3 in Germany. In Communication and Management it ranks number 4, in Sociology number 5.

Financial Times Masters in Management Ranking

The Mannheim Master in Management (MMM) is ranked #3 in Germany and #21 worldwide in 2023.

Handelsblatt VWL Ranking

The Department of Economics at the University of Mannheim is ranked third among the economics faculties with the strongest research in Germany. In the “Lifetime Achievement” category, eleven Mannheim professors placed among the top 5% of economists with the most research – more than at any other economics faculty in Germany.

Studierende laufen in schicker Kleidung mit Anzügen, Blazern und Hemden über den Ehrenhof.
MBA Rankings

The Mannheim Business School is ranked excellently in the most important global rankings.