
Don’t miss anything: The University of Mannheim newsletter is your bi-weekly source of information for important news and events on campus.


Einer der neuen Papierspender mit recyceltem Handtuchpapier in einer Toilette der Universität. Ein grüner Aufkleber weist auf das Recycling-Programm hin.
Used, collected, recycled – Newly recycled paper towels
The University of Mannheim is launching a new recycling program for sustainable towel paper: “TorkPaperCircle” aims to save up to 40 percent of the CO2 produced by waste at the university in the future.
Choir and Orchestra Are Looking for New Members
If you like singing or playing a symphonic instrument, you are welcome to join the university choir or orchestra.
Verantwortliche des Verbundprojekts TransforMA gemeinsam mit dem Projektträger VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH beim Jahresgespräch
TransforMA: Two Years of Advancing Knowledge and Technology Transfer in Mannheim
TransforMA, a collaborative project of the University of Applied Sciences Mannheim and the University of Mannheim and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), has started in January 2023. In the first year, the main focus was on setting up the project structures and the ...
Vier Studierende stehen auf dem Ehrenhof und halten eine aufgeblasene Weltkugel in die Höhe. Im Hintergrund sind Gebäude aus der Stadt zu sehen.
Studium Generale: Language courses at reduced prices for ENGAGE.EU languages
The program for the Studium Generale in the spring semester is online. On the occasion of the continued funding of ENGAGE.EU, the University of Mannheim has the opportunity to offer its students selected European languages for a reduced price of 15 euros. Registration starts on 3 February.
Porträt von Michael Meckel. Er trägt eine schwarze Brille und einen dunklen Pullover und schaut freundlich in die Kamera. Hinter ihm befindet sich ein Bücherregal.
Mourning the Loss of Michael Meckel
The University of Mannheim mourns the loss of Michael Meckel, a sponsor and holder of the university medal, who passed away on 14 January 2025 at the age of 52.
farbliche Grafik mit der Säulen-Darstellung der Ergebnisse der Bundestagswahl 2021
Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance Weakened the AfD More than Expected
In a new study, Mannheim political scientist Dr. Constantin Wurthmann and his colleagues examined the behavior of voters, who voted for the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) in the European elections.
Türkisfarbene Mappen liegen auf einem schwarzen Tisch. Die Mappe haben die weiße Aufschrift "SFB/Transregio 266, Accounting for Transparency".
GBP Monitor in January 2025: Expensive Reporting Obligations Slow Down Sustainable Investments
Only 12.6 percent of companies believe that the EU regulations on sustainability reporting actually contribute to a more sustainable economy. Many companies believe that the amount of work needed to adhere to these regulations far outweighs the advantages gained from the reports, as indicated by ...




11:00 a.m.
12:30 p.m.

Information event

Info Session Mannheim Master in Management

Get to know the Mannheim Master in Management! (In English)

11:00 – 12:30



3:00 p.m.

Schloss, Aula
Adia Sakiqi, Ambassador of the Republic of Albania to Germany

Visit of the Albanian ambassador

After a welcoming address by the rector, Prof. Dr. Fetzer, and the initiators of Salon Diplomatique e.V., the Albanian ambassador Adia Sakiqi gives a lecture on the topic “Does EU enlargement in Southeast Europe…

Schloss, Aula



5:30 p.m.

Aula of the University of Mannheim (Schloss Ostflügel, 1. OG)
Prof. Dr. Marc Debus, Prof. Dr. Eckhard Janeba, Prof. Dr. Thomas König, Prof. Dr. Moritz Kuhn, Prof. Dr. Davud Rostam-Afschar

Panel Discussion: Setting the Political and Economic Course After the Election

Scientists from the University of Mannheim discuss the various challenges the newly-elected government has to face.

Aula of the University of Mannheim (Schloss Ostflügel, 1. OG)



11:00 a.m.
12:30 p.m.

Information event

Info Session Mannheim Master in Management

Get to know the Mannheim Master in Management! (In English)

11:00 – 12:30






Career Fair 2025

The annual Career Fair at the University of Mannheim offers students and graduates of all Bachelor's and Master's degree programs an excellent opportunity to make initial contacts for starting a career.

Find out more…




5:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.

Information event

Info session B.Sc. Business Administration

Get to know the Bachelor in Business Administration Programm!

17:00 – 18:00



2:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m.

O 126

Intensive course for study orientation

Help with choosing a course of study: Get to know your skills and interests better and receive support in decision-making.

14:00 – 17:30
O 126