Drei Studierende sitzen gemeinsam an einem Tisch und blicken in ein Heft.


Costs of living

In comparison to other large cities in Germany, living in Mannheim is not very expensive. You should budget about EUR 850 to EUR 900 per month (made up of EUR 250 to 400 rent, about EUR 100 to 120 health insurance and the remaining money for groceries, clothing, etc.). Your expenses of course heavily depend on your lifestyle. Factor in some additional expenses during your first months in your new home as you will need to buy many new things, such as dishes or books.

Scholarships and financial support

Below are scholarship and funding opportunities for international degree-seeking students from internal and external organizations.

  • Scholarships awarded by the University of Mannheim

    Here you can find the scholarships of the University of Mannheim.

  • BAföG

    BAföG (Federal Education and Training Assistance Act) is a federal subsidized student loan program providing financial assistance to students. Students who qualify for BAföG receive a monthly amount of money during the course of their studies to help meet their costs of living. In return, students repay this sum in installments five years after their graduation. 
    Not only Germans but also many international students are eligible for BAföG. Due to changes in legislation, the number of international students eligible for BAföG has grown considerably.

    Essentially, students who are eligible for BAföG are those who have a prospect of remaining in Germany and have been integrated into society. This could be someone who has the right of permanent residence according to the EU law stipulating freedom of movement, a long-term resident – EC or a settlement permit. 

    Since regulations are very complex, we recommend contacting the BAföG office at an early stage.
    More information is available from the Studierendenwerk Mannheim or from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

  • DAAD Prize

    The DAAD Prize, worth €1,000, is a special award for international students. It is awarded annually to one person per university. The German Academic Exchange Service honours students with outstanding academic achievements and social commitment. At the University of Mannheim, a commission consisting of the schools and the International Office selects the award winners.

    Current and former prize winners

  • DAAD Scholarships for especially committed students

    The International Office offers scholarships by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for especially committed students of the University of Mannheim funded by the Federal Foreign Office. A selection committee (consisting of the International Office and the schools) decides on the granting of the scholarships. Applicants are required to have good grades and show great commitment in a social, societal or intercultural context at or outside the university. Application forms are available and must be submitted at the International Office.

    Deadlines: All international degree-seeking students receive detailed information on the application process in due time by email.

  • DAAD Scholarship for more equal opportunities

    The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarship for more equal opportunities is financed by the Federal Foreign Office. It aims to provide students who face special social challenges during their studies with financial support. The social challenges include: refugee experience, health restrictions (e.g. chronical illness), relatives in need of care, child/children in need of special care or other comparable reasons. The financial support is usually granted for 4 months and can currently be paid exclusively during the fall-/winter semester, during the months August to November.

    Deadlines: All enrolled international degree-seeking students have received an email with detailed information on the application process in May. The current deadline for the fall/winter semester 2024 is 4 July 2024.

  • DAAD Graduation Scholarship

    The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Graduation Scholarship (Studienabschlussstipendium) is a scholarship funded by the Federal Foreign Office providing financial support for international students in the final phase of their studies. A selection committee (consisting of the International Office and the schools) decides on the granting of the scholarships. The funding period at the University of Mannheim is usually four months. The student's financial need must be proven. A letter of recommendation should also be part of the application. The application criteria are weighted as follows: letter of motivation/explanation of current personal situation (30 %), financial situation (30 %), letter of recommendation (20 %), average grade (20 %). The DAAD Graduation Scholarship is announced by the International Office twice a year and application forms must be submitted there.

    Deadlines: All enrolled international degree-seeking students have received an email with detailed information on the application process in May. The current deadline for the fall/winter semester 2024 is 8 July 2024.

  • Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

    The activities of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) focus on development cooperation, economic, technological, labor and social policies, as well as on social and contemporary history. At the same time, they promote the political and academic dialog on foreign and security policies. International students and graduates can apply for various scholarship programs.

  • Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

    The scholarship program of the Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung is open to foreign students and postgraduates of German universities provided that the applicants qualify according to the scholarship requirements. International students can apply if they have been admitted to a German university for a postgraduate degree course or for a doctoral program. 

  • Fulbright (for US citizens only)

    The German-American Fulbright Program implements Senator J. William Fulbright's visionary concept: The promotion of mutual understanding between the United States and Germany through academic and cultural exchange. 
    The Fulbright Program has international outreach, providing exchanges between the United States and over 180 countries and territories worldwide.

  • General Funding options of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

    The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides information about study programs for both German and international students, graduates, and post-doctoral researchers. The online magazine offers a valuable insight into the activities of the organization, its grantees and alumni. In addition, the Stipendiendatenbank (scholarship database) contains scholarships for various study programs.

  • Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung

    The Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung is open to students and doctoral candidates with outstanding achievements and a high level of commitment to socio-political matters. Work in the social sector, involvement in non-confessional or confessional youth work, active participation in student organizations or in a political environment is considered socio-political commitment. 

  • Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung e.V.

    The Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung awards scholarships to German and foreign students of all study programs and nationalities.

  • Hildegardis-Verein

    The Hildegardis-Verein awards scholarships to female students of Christian denomination.

  • Katholischer Akademischer Ausländer-Dienst (KAAD)

    The KAAD (Katholischer Akademischer Ausländer-Dienst) offers various scholarship programs for students and graduates. 

  • Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

    The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) is a political foundation and its activities focus on talent development as well as on historical and political research and consulting. The foundation promotes international students pursuing their degree at academic institutions of higher education in Germany. International students or doctoral candidates who are already studying in Germany have to apply directly in Germany. International students who are still in their home country can apply at the respective outpost of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.