The University of Mannheim participates in cooperation across higher education institutions to digitalize administrative processes at universities in Baden-Württemberg

As we have seen during the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting increase in remote work, many administrative processes and signatures at universities are still paper-based. The nine universities in Baden-Württemberg want to further develop the digitalization of administrative processes, in addition to their daily work. Thus, they have founded the collaborative project “ – Digitale Transformation administrativer Prozesse“ (digital transformation of administrative processes), even before the pandemic hit. The project aims at implementing minimal standards at all universities and at providing opportunities to rethink administrative processes.

The project partners have created think tanks to work on these tasks. Think tank 01, for example, works on digitizing signatures in administrative processes, think tank 02 deals with integrated programs and think tank 03 works on e-learning systems for employee trainings, in particular in the field of data protection as a service for the universities in the Land of Baden-Württemberg. The think tank members are experts from the relevant universities.

The work results from the think tanks are published as white papers. The universities are then provided with these documents so that they have a basis for discussing and working on the digitalization of their processes. According to the concept of, the results that have been achieved during this first step may also lead to a cooperation of several universities to jointly implement the recommendations from the white paper. Thus, is the basis for cooperation across universities when it comes to the digital transformation of administrative processes.

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Current developments and news

In einem Geldbeutel liegen viele Münzen verschiedenen Wertes.
E-payment as a digital payment platform

On 29 February 2024, Think Tank 10 on the topic of e-payment began its work. The aim of the think tank is to develop a guide to support universities with implementing and introducing e-payment.

Using Microsoft 365

Think Tank 05 examined whether the use of Microsoft 365 cloud services (M365) at universities in Baden-Württemberg is acceptable under data protection law.

process map in the area of resource management

On 13 October 2023, the program committee adopted the white paper “Prozesslandkarte Ressourcenmanagement” (process map on resource management) submitted by Think Tank 08.

Auf einem Laptop werden bunte Graphen und Zahlen angezeigt. Daneben steht eine Kaffeetasse.
Research information management

Think Tank 06 – Research Management has analyzed the specific challenges faced by all universities in Baden-Württemberg and developed recommendations for a joint approach within the framework of a state-wide network.

Zwei Personen blicken fokussiert auf einen Laptop. Sie stehen vorne an einem Pult.
Online Access Act (Online-Zugangsgesetz, OZG) at universities

The white paper “Positionsbestimmung des Landes Baden-Württemberg in Bezug auf OZG, SDG und xHochschule” (Positioning of the Land of Baden-Württemberg with regard to the OZG, SDG, and xHochschule) published by Think Tank 04 provides recommendations for a coordinated implementation of the requirements of the OZG and associated regulations in addition to a survey of the current situation.

Vier Studierende sitzen bei Sonnenschein an einem Tisch und lernen zusammen. Hinter ihnen ist die Mensawiese.
Collaboration in studying and teaching

A white paper that has been recently published by Think Tank 02 Cooperative Study Programs as part of deals with the challenges of collaboration between universities in the area of studying and teaching, particularly with regard to organizational, technological, and legal issues.

Eine Person schreibt mit einem schwarzen elektronischen Stift auf ein Tablet.
Digitizing signatures in administrative processes

On 23 April 2021, the members of Think Tank 01 Digitalization of signatures in administrative processes presented the results of the white paper in a video conference.

Ein Laptop, eine Maus und eine Wasserflasche stehen auf einem Tisch.
Joint training courses at universities in Baden-Württemberg

On 24 March 2021, the members of the think tank “E-learning systems for employee training” presented the results of their first white paper in an online event.

Contact us

Sascha Adam

Sascha Adam

Quality Management
Coordinaton: WANDELdigital
University of Mannheim
Division I – Research Services and Quality Management
L 1, 1 – Room 327
68161 Mannheim