
Whether it is a short trip to an international conference or a longer research stay with a project partner abroad – we will support your international mobility to ensure that you can take part in international research activities.

We believe that international mobility will provide you with new opportunities for your research work, keep you up to date, and help you network with countless fascinating researchers from all over the world. Researching has never been as global as it is today; become a part of it!

Financial Grants for Trips Abroad

Postdocs and junior professors who would like to take part in an international conference or are interested in a stay abroad can apply for a grant for travel expenses.

International Networking

ENGAGE.EU is an alliance of leading European higher education institutions from the fields of Economics and Business Administration as well as Social Sciences, dedicated to addressing the societal challenges of our time. The alliance offers researchers numerous opportunities for networking and collaboration.

Teaching Abroad

The University of Mannheim wants to make teaching and research even more international. By completing an ERASMUS+ teaching or training placement, researchers from the University of Mannheim can, for example, gain experience at a European partner university, share approaches and content with international colleagues, and take good ideas back home with them.


Dr. Katharina Bolle

Dr. Katharina Bolle

Research Support, Support of Early-Stage Researchers
Überfachliche Förderung und Beratung von Post-Docs und Juniorprofessor*innen
University of Mannheim
Division I – Research Services and Quality Management
L 1, 1 – Room 328
68161 Mannheim