Sieben Studierende in einem Seminarraum. Sie sitzen an Tischen udn hören jemandem zu. Sie lachen und sind positiv gestimmt.

Mission Statement for Teaching

The University of Mannheim offers its students the opportunity to develop personally and professionally in a way that enables them to live up to their social, ecological, economical, and civic responsibility in a modern and democratic society. The curriculum of the University of Mannheim is decisively shaped by interculturality, interdisciplinarity, and the unity of research and teaching. Students acquire skills that enable them to use their academic expertise to solve real-life challenges in a constantly evolving society.

As a university requiring on-site attendance, the University of Mannheim encourages personal exchange and respectful cooperation, while exploiting the potential of digitalization to create modern study conditions.

All members of the University of Mannheim are committed to providing high-quality and successful teaching – from the university management to the teachers through to the administrative staff members. Encouraging and supporting the learning processes of the students is at the heart of all measures. The university cultivates a culture of openness, equal opportunity and diversity, and continuously promotes the advancement of teaching and learning processes.