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Our Research

Economics, business and social sciences are the core research areas of the University of Mannheim. Thanks to its research contribution, the university has been ranking among the top 20 European higher education institutions in these fields for many years.

Shaping the Future
Mannheim’s scholars conduct research on topics that address the needs, expectations and challenges of tomorrow. Across the university, and in collaboration with members of numerous institutions and research centers, they are researching into links between the economy, politics, society, and culture. Key focuses include decision-making processes and elections, governance, regulation, competition and innovation, migration and multilingualism, and the culture of change.

Connecting throughout the Country and Beyond
Our researchers collaborate with numerous national and international partners. The university has a particularly close relationship with the ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, one of the leading economic research institutes in Germany, the GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, and the Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS). The Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES) is the largest research institution for the Social Sciences at a German university, and is considered one of the leading institutions of its kind.

For more information on each area, please visit the individual websites of the schools and departments.

Research Data Policy of the University of Mannheim

The research data policy of the University of Mannheim provides researchers with guidelines for the handling of research data.

Good Research Practice

Good research practice, as performed at the University of Mannheim, is required to ensure research and teaching is of the highest quality.