Guest Student Program

A program for everyone – no matter your age

Each semester, about 400 participants start the Guest Student Program.

The Guest Student Program is for people of every age. You can choose from a wide-ranging offer of courses of all departments and attend courses together with regular students. There are also some services specifically designed for guest students.

For many people of advanced age, the Guest Student Program is a new field of activity after a professional career or taking care of a family. Others use the program to expand their knowledge while they continue to work or use it as an orientation phase before starting a regular degree program.

Everyone is welcome to participate.

There is no degree required to participate. Guest students are not able to take examinations or earn a degree. However, they are welcome to actively participate in the courses.

Eine Frau hält einen Vortrag.

History, German Studies, Economics and many more: There are many courses in the Guest Student Program. We also offer guest lectures, tours, and special projects.

Hand tippt auf dem Laptop. Link: Gasthörenden- und Seniorenstudium

Click here to register for the Guest Student Program.

Learn more about registration, admission, and fees.


Vier Menschen sitzen in einer Reihe vor Computern.

Updated online course catalog for guest students

Broschüre Gasthörenden- und Seniorenstudierende

Our course catalog for the spring/summer semester 2025 will be available as of 15 January.

Eine mit Kreide gemalte Glühbirne auf einer grünen Tafel

Welcome and information event for the spring/summer semester 2025
on 6 February (11:15 a.m. in M003)

  • When will the next semester start?

    The spring semester 2025 will begin on 10 February and end on 30 May.
    The fall semester 2025 will begin on 1 September and end on 5 December.

    The registration period begins approx. four weeks before the spring semester starts and approx. six weeks before the fall semester starts.

  • Is there an orientation event?

    At the beginning of each semester, there is an information and welcome event.

    The next event will be on 6 February 2025.

  • How can I register?

    If you register for the first time, please put the selected courses on the registration form. After you have registered successfully, you will receive your access data for the student portal "Portal²” via mail.  In the semesters to follow, you can also register online for courses in Portal².

  • How many courses can I attend?

    You can take up to six courses each semester. Most courses take place weekly during the entire semester.

  • What is the ecUM?

    The ecUM is an electronic smart card of the University of Mannheim. With a stamp of the current period of validity, the ecUM is the guest student ID for the current semester. You can apply for your ecUM online.

    In addition to being a guest student ID, the ecUM is also a library card and a card for the copiers on campus. With the ecUM, you can also pay cashless on campus, in the Mensa and cafeterias and you can use the lockers on campus.

  • Will I receive an e-mail address of the University of Mannheim?

    All guest students will receive a university e-mail address when enrolling at the university. With your Uni-ID and your password, you can log in to your Exchange e-mail account. You will receive the access data via mail.

  • Can I also use e-learning services?

    If you take courses, which make use of e-learning (ILIAS services), you will automatically get access with your ID and your password.

  • Can I take examinations?

    It is not possible for guest students to take exams etc. Guest students are not able to take examinations and earn a degree.

  • Can I buy a semester ticket?

    Guest students cannot buy a semester ticket.

Read more

  • In the event calendar, you will find more guest lectures and events of the University of Mannheim.
  • The University of Mannheim has an international academic calendar. Lectures of the fall semester will start in September. Lectures of the spring semester will start in Feburary.
  • How to find us: See the campus plan of the University of Mannheim.
  • Guest students and senior citizen students will get access to the student portal Portal². After you registered, you will receive an ID and a password. Then you can also register online for courses.
  • With your login data, you can also use the learning platform ILIAS. Here you will have access to e-learning materials. Teachers will upload teaching materials there.
  • You will also receive a university e-mail account.


Doris Lechner

Doris Lechner

University of Mannheim
Dezernat II
L 1, 1 – Room 159, Eingang B
68161 Mannheim
Phone: +49 621 181-1166
Fax: +49 621 181-1161
Consultation hour(s):
Do you have any questions? Please write us an e-mail. We will reply as soon as possible.
If you want to call us, we are available Mon, Tue and Thu in the mornings.
Of course we alSo offer in-person consultations. Please make an appointment via e-mail or telephone.