Ein Student sitzt auf einem Sofa und lernt. Vor ihm liegen ein paar Bücher, ein Ordner und ein Laptop.

Self-Regulated Learning

E-learning course

For succeeding in your studies, it is important to work on your learning techniques and to develop efficient and effective learning strategies.

The University of Mannheim supports its students by offering e-learning services in cooperation with Professor Stefan Münzer (Chair of Psychology of Education), the Teaching and Learning Center (ZLL), and the Psychological Counseling Services of the Studierendenwerk (PBS).

For students of the University of Mannheim, participation is free of charge. Just join the ILIAS group on training services for students bearing the title “Schulungsangebote für Studierende”.

Course content

Eine Studentin hat einen Laptop auf ihrem Schoß.
Introductory Module: Self-Regulated Learning

In this module, we will talk about cognitive learning strategies, resource management, and metacognition, among others.

Ein geöffneter Ordner, Bücher und ein Spiralblock mit Textmarkern und Stif
Specialization Module: Reading Techniques

In this module, we will talk about topics such as active reading, editing symbols, reading goals, and reading strategies.

Ein Student sitzt auf einer Fensterbank und arbeitet am Laptop.
Specialization Module: Working Conditions

In this module, you will learn more about disruptions to your work, how to create ideal working conditions and plan your breaks, for example.

Eine Hand schreibt mit rotem Stift "Klausur!" in einen Kalender
Specialization Module: Time Management

In this module, you will learn more about time management, self-control, learning plans, and various planning methods.

Finger tippen auf einen Laptop
Specialization Module: Studying from Home

This module addresses the topics of workplace design, time management, motivation, and social contacts when studying from home.

Preparing for an (online) examination

The e-learning course will also cover task types and digital examination formats that you will often encounter in online exams. These include open book exams, writing an essay or working on case studies.

Do you have any questions? We will be happy to help you!

Tina Helbig, M.A.

Tina Helbig, M.A.

Academic staff member
University of Mannheim
Teaching and Learning Center
L 9, 6 – Raum 008
68161 Mannheim