Zwei Personen sitzen an einem Tisch. Weißes Blatt Papier auf dem Tisch. Frau hat Stift in der Hand.

Student Loans

You would like to go abroad but don't have the means right now? Scholarships and BAföG for stays abroad aren’t an option? Don't give up just yet. A small loan may help you to make your dream come true and you don't even have to run up high debts to do so.

  • Federal student loan (Bildungskredit)

    You can apply for the low-interest student loan(only available in German) granted by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). It is paid irrespective of your parents’ income and can be used for example for studying abroad or for an internship abroad. In order to be granted the loan for studying abroad, you need to supply proof that at least part of the coursework and examinations completed abroad will be recognized by the University of Mannheim.

    Quick overview:

    • The maximum credit volume is EUR 7,200, the maximum amount of monthly funding amounts to EUR 300.
    • You can also apply for a one time payment to cover additional costs (up to EUR 3,600), for example for the payment of tuition fees as a free mover.
    • The one time payment can be combined with the monthly funding. 
    • The loan is to be repaid four years after the payment of the first installment at a rate of EUR 120 per month. The interest rate is very low.
    • The loan is paid irrespective of your parents’ or spouse’s income or means.
    • It can be combined with other funding, such as BAföG.
    • Students over 18 years of age in an advanced phase of their studies are eligible for the loan.
    • International students can only apply when meeting certain conditions. More information on the student loan and the respective application forms can be found on the official website (only available in German).
  • Student loans and educational funds

    Another option are student loans (only available in German) granted by the KfW Group or other creditors and education funds (only available in German). Special conditions apply to the latter, as the interest payments are not based on the amount of the loan. Instead, a certain percentage will be deducted from your future gross salary for a certain period after the beginning of employment. That means that your salary determines how much you have to pay back. Applicants are pre-selected based on their potential for the enterprises involved.

    More information and an objective assessment of these student loans and other options can be found on the website of the Studierendenwerk (only available in German) as well as in the student loan ranking of the Centre for Higher Education (CHE) (only available in German).

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