Information for Companies
The project STEP by STEP supports international students at the University of Mannheim in starting their career in the Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region. We want to connect students and companies through company visits. It is an opportunity for students to get to know potential employers and experience the economic strength of the region first-hand. Companies, on the other hand, have the unique chance to meet our highly skilled international students and present themselves as an attractive place of employment.
This is how you can support us:
- Company visits
Invite a group of international students to visit your company. Show the production facilitates during a tour of your plant, provide students with the chance to discuss career opportunities with your employees and let the students know what you are looking for in an application. What is included in a visit like this depends on the company’s resources and main focus and will of course be determined individually. - Company presentations
Speak at the University of Mannheim and present your company and what you are looking for in future employees.
Due to our academic calendar, presentations are best held in March, April or May in the spring semester and in September, October or November in the fall semester.
We are always interested in establishing new relationships with companies from all sectors and are looking forward to hearing from you!