
Exchange students or interns?

Exchange students come to Mannheim in order to study for one or two semesters on the campus in and around the Schloss. Afterwards, they return to their home institution. Exchange students do not complete their degree at the University of Mannheim. All exchange students come from one of our partner institutions. This means that the University of Mannheim has entered into a bilateral agreement with the respective home institution.

In addition, in some cases, it is possible to do an internship at the University of Mannheim. 

Please check the following subitems for more information about the application process for exchange students and interns.

  • Information for exchange students

    You will be regarded as an exchange student if you study at the University of Mannheim for one or two semesters and if your home institution has concluded a bilateral agreement with the University of Mannheim. Afterwards, you will return to your home institution. As an exchange student you will not receive a degree from the University of Mannheim. 

    How do I apply for an exchange program?
    Exchange students always study at the University of Mannheim as part of an exchange program of their home institution. For information on the application process please contact the international office at your university.
    If your application for a placement has been successful at your home institution, you must be officially nominated for a study place at the University of Mannheim. Our nomination periods run from 15 March to 15 Aprilfor the fall semester and from 15 September to 15 Octoberfor the spring semester. As soon as we have received the nomination of your home institution, you will receive an e-mail containing the log-in data for our study abroad application portal as well as further important information and data on your program. Please complete the online application as soon as possible. Only after you have completed the application you will receive an official letter of admission. You will need the letter of admission for your visa  application. You do not have to submit any further certificates or other documents for the application.

    Deadlines for exchange students for completing the online application:

    • 30 April for the fall semester
    • 31 October for the spring semester

    What level of language proficiency is required?
    At the University of Mannheim, courses are taught in English and German. Student thus need at least German or English level B2 (in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). Students do not have to prove their language proficiency by submitting any language certificates. We trust that our partner universities select students with sufficient English or German language proficiency. 

  • Information for free movers

    As a free mover, you spend one or two semesters at a university abroad. Afterwards, you return to your home institution. Free movers do not receive a degree from their host university.

    Is it possible to study as a free mover in Mannheim?
    Since 1 March 2019 it is no longer possible to study as a free mover at the University of Mannheim. This is due to an amendment of the Regulations on Admission and Enrollment (ZulImmaO) of the University of Mannheim from 27 February 2019.

    Please refer to your home institution to find out whether a bilateral agreement for student exchanges exists.

  • Information for interns

    At the University of Mannheim, international students have, in principal, the opportunity to gain practical experience. As for example, the exchange programs of some partner universities provide the option of completing an internship at the University of Mannheim. Moreover, at some chairs, international students have the opportunity to complete an internship independently from their respective home institution. 

    How do I apply for an internship?
    If you want to do an internship at the University of Mannheim as part of the exchange program of your home institution, please begin with contacting the person in whose department respectively school you would like to do the internship. You and this person discuss if and under which conditions an internship is possible. Then you kindly contact the international office at your university.
    If your application at your home institution has been successful, you must be officially nominated for a study place in Mannheim. As soon as we have received the nomination of your home institution, you will receive an e-mail containing your log-in data and a link to the online application as well as further important information on your program. Please complete the online application as soon as possible. Only after you have completed the application you will receive an official letter of admission. You will need the letter of admission for your visa  application.

    Deadlines for completing the online application:

    • 30 April for the fall semester 
    • 31 October for the spring semester  

    If you want to do an internship at the University of Mannheim independently from an existing exchange program, please contact the respective school or chair at the University of Mannheim.

„In my opinion, the University of Mannheim is a big university, and therefore, it is different from my home university in Rio de Janeiro. Here, I meet a lot of international students. It is a well-known university and I am proud of studying here.”


Sophia Schreiber Heilborn, exchange student in the bachelor’s program in Business Administration, Fundação Geulio Vargas – EAESP in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) / Foto: Elisa Berdica

The following page provides you with the most important information on the issue of nomination such as “What is a nomination and what happens after the nomination?”

Information for international exchange coordinators

Here, you will find information on the nomination process and relevant deadlines as well as an overview of the most important information for students.

Study abroad application portal

As soon as we have received the nomination of your home institution, you will receive an e-mail containing your log-in data for our study abroad application portal Mobility Online. Please complete the online application as soon as possible.

Portal² for exchange students

On the online platform Portal², you will find important information on your semester abroad at the University of Mannheim. You will receive the log-in data for Portal² in the beginning of May and in the beginning of November respectively.

What happens after your application?

Enrollment Preparations

For exchange students with EU citizenship

For all other exchange students