Eine Lehrperson steht an der Tafel. Die Person gestikuliert und spricht zu der Gruppe von 14 Studierenden, die im Semiarraum an Tischen sitzen.

Course Design

Good teaching is a skill that needs to be learned. The training of your teaching skills is never complete but a constant process. Every semester, teachers have the opportunity to share their knowledge with new students and inspire them. Good teaching begins long before the actual class with comprehensive planning, with flexibility regarding the teaching formats, and with openness to new didactic developments or technical tools.

All of this does not just happen. For this reason, various university institutions are happy to provide comprehensive support to teachers in designing and organizing their own teaching, in introducing and applying new teaching formats or in working with new media technology.

Ein Mann hält einen Vortrag.
Qualification and continuing education

Good teaching requires teachers who are well-trained in teaching methods. This is the only way for students to understand and apply the material studied. Find out more about our wide range of support services.

Ein Mann und eine Frau sitzen an einem Tisch und unterhalten sich. Auf dem Tisch liegen Broschüren und Unterlagen.
Consultation and services

How good is your teaching? What are new developments in teaching? Our individual consultation services help you to reflect on your teaching and further develop your skills.

Im Vordergrund steht eine Videokamera auf einem Stativ. Im Kameradisplay sieht man, was geflimt wird: Ein Mann in hellem Hemd, der im vor einer Tafel steht und spricht.
Support in teaching organization

Whether lecture recordings, course reserves or virtual machines in the bwCloud – we support you to ensure that the framework conditions for your teaching are also right.

Digital teaching

Teaching today is not limited to the classroom. Digital teaching formats are an integral part of teaching in a variety of settings. Get an overview.