Ein junger Mann hält einen Selfiestick in seiner Hand und trägt ein dunkelgrünes T-Shirt mit der Aufschrift „Universität Mannheim“. Der Hintergrund zeigt einen tosenden Wasserfall.

Studying Abroad

450 partner universities across five continents: When opting for a stay abroad, students of the University of Mannheim can choose from a variety of partner universities in cities such as New York, Singapore or Barcelona to develop their subject knowledge. You have the unique opportunity to immerse yourself in another culture, to form international friendships, and to brush up your foreign language skills. Thanks to the exchange programs offered by the University of Mannheim you have the possibility to study abroad without having to pay tuition fees. The International Office provides information on application deadlines and requirements as well as on scholarships and other financing options.

If you are interested, the study abroad advisors of the International Office and of the departments will assist you with the entire process from your application to your admission and through to your return to Mannheim.

As an alternative to the exchange programs, you can also go abroad as a free mover, for a short summer or spring program or do an internship abroad.

Lächelnde Frau in einem gestreiften Shirt auf dem Ehrenhof, schreibt mit einem Stift auf einen großen Globus "Hello World".
Prior to Your Application

Are you interested in studying abroad? Do you want to apply for a study place at one of our partner universities? Then you have come to the right place. On the following pages, we provide you with all basic information about studying abroad. Here, you will also find the dates of our Introductory Study Abroad Session. We explain every step of planning a stay abroad.

Upon Your Successful Application

Your application for a placement at one of our partner universities was successful? Congratulations! Now, you are one of the more than 1,000 students from Mannheim who start on the adventure of studying abroad each year. The International Office and your department will assist you with the following steps.

Special requirements for...

Special requirements for international students

International students who strive to complete their degree in Mannheim are likewise invited to top off their studies with a stay abroad. Yet, they might encounter some pitfalls with regard to issues such as applying, financing, and visa. We will be happy to assist you in planning your stay abroad.

Mann im Rollstuhl liest vor einem Bücherregal in der Bibliothek etwas in einem Buch nach.
Students with disabilities

If you have a disability, please do not shy away from studying abroad. We will be happy to help you with planning your stay abroad, answering any organizational questions and providing you with various financing options.

Mann mit blau weiß gestreiften T-Shirt hat Baby auf dem Arm. Baby lächelt in die Kamera und hat einen weißen Body mit gelb-blauen Punkten an.
Students with children

Even as parents you do not have to deny yourself a stay abroad. We will assist you with any organizational and financial questions.

Tsvetina Yancheva hat braunes, fast schulterlanges welliges Haar. Sie hat braune Augen und lächelt. Sie trägt kleine Ohrringe und einen dunkelgrauen Strickpullover.

My semester abroad was a wonderful experience. If I could choose one more time, I would pick Korea over and over again! It was extremely exciting to get to know a different way of thinking and to meet so many new and interesting people. To find like-minded people on the other side of the planet and learn from them, that is real cultural exchange, that is how you grow as a person.

Tsvetina Yancheva, student in the bachelor’s program in Business Administration, Sogang University, Seoul (South Korea) / Credit: Elisa Berdica
Tobias Kahlenberg hat kurzes rot- orangenes Haar sowie einen Bart in der selben Farbe. Er hat blaue Augen und lächelt. Er trägt einen schwarzen Kapuzenpulli und eine schwarze Jacke darüber.

I spent my semester abroad in Stockholm and would recommend staying abroad to anyone. It is very easy to get to know new people and make friends with students from all around the world. You will get to know the city, the country and the people a lot better than you would do as a tourist. Moreover, you will gain a new appreciation for things that you took for granted before. In my case, these things were natural light and short distances. A semester abroad is also the perfect opportunity to travel in and around your host country. My personal highlight was a trip to Lapland.

Tobias Kahlenberg, student in the master’s program in Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing, Stockholm University (Sweden) / Credit: Elisa Berdica
Fabia Gunkel hat braunes langes Haar, welches zu den Spitzen hin einen blonden Ton annimt. Sie hat dunkelblaue Augen und lächelt. Sie trägt ein schwarzes Sweatshirt und lächelt.

I can highly recommend spending a semester abroad to any student, as you get to evolve personally, get to know new cultures and expand your personal network through many new contacts. The semester abroad also helped me academicallyand it gave me an advantage in the application for the internship I completed afterwards. I had no problems with the recognition of my credits in Mannheim and the staff of the University of Mannheim was helpful and dedicated throughout the whole process.

Fabia Gunkel, student in the bachelor’s program in Culture and Economy: Media and Communication Studies, Pace University, New York (USA) / Credit: Ye Fung Tchen